May 15Liked by Nick Rockel

Reversal of the landlord handout, instead fitting every state house with solar panels and batteries for free! I do miss the old Tui Billboards!

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This government will not reduce front-line services to fund tax cuts.

Yeah right.

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Love this idea Keith! Whoopee!!

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agree Keith

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absolutely agree Keith.

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

No tax cuts. Put the money into police, health, education and raising benefits to a living wage.

I’m dreading more items being transferred to councils at ratepayers expense.

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No tax cuts, (Willis resigns). Money go to as above. As well as per Keiths idea, the solo panels & storage batteries, the excess go to the National Electrical grid so use of natural energy instead of goal or gas. Where would we be without dreams!!!

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yes all of this - we gotta dream x

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Increase benefits and no tax on first $20K would be helpful to low income earners.

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I would love to see the first $20,000 of earnings tax free. Definitely no tax reduction for the highest income earners, although perhaps lift the upper tax bracket by $20,000.

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I really like this suggestion Anne.

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It works in the UK first $20000 tax free it will help those thar need it most.

Also capital gains tax if you build or buy a second home there is no capital gains tax if you live in it for 6 months that cuts out those who want to just flip houses

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

I don't want to see any 'reckons' dressed up as facts. The reason for doing stuff, should be backed up by peer reviewed evidence.

I do want to see the money pie divided up for the benefit of all NZers not just the privelaged classes and large campaign donors

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

I'd like Nicola to fess up that tax cuts are not feasible. Money should go to invest in health,education and supporting communities in need, ie down the track crime prevention. How about chasing up white collar tax evasion instead of a mega prison. Renegotiate the interisland ferry deal, invest in rail instead of roads. I could go on....

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Some real funding and attention to collecting our Nation's history. So, not only a reversal of the recent announcements of axing Archives NZ's digitisation programme, the new storage building in Levin and the National Library indexing team and all the other staff and resourcing cuts, but a whole new focus on the importance of preserving and resourcing our history. So more staff, more storage space, active collecting, curating and digitisation, and even going back to the Chief Archivist and National Library being Officers of Parliament rather than 3rd tier managers in Internal Affairs. All that, as well as funding for implementing all the recommendations of the Royal Commission on Abuse in Care when the report comes out.

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

The budget will further cement the ideology of the far right where the wealthy continue to thrive. Unfortunately there will be more people suffering and the coalition will try and bull shit their way around people being better off with their miserable tax cuts. A democracy looks after all of the people not the entitled. I fear for our country and it’s future. Nick I love reading your Kōrero which keeps me sane and away from the daily pessimism of the three head taniwha and their followers. Please don’t feel obliged to write every day, we know you put a lot of research and mahi into your work. Kia kaha, Arohanui!

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May 16·edited May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

I would like to see some acknowledgement that they are a government for New Zealand population following policies that reflect the voting percentage won. And that they respect democratic process and the fundamentals of Democracy. Also be nice if they could demonstrate that they have at least a clue about financial management. I sincerely doubt that any of this will be evident in their budget.

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

I would like to see our Government accept the realities of life for many New Zealanders who, through no fault of their own, those who have or are about to become, redundant. These people need to be supported through difficult times, not punished with threats of losing the only income stream they rely on to survive from week to week. Also a system introduced where all working people and/or those who have other income options, (landlords and others who have multiple investments in other areas) pay a blanket percentage of that income in tax, so all are treated equally, contributing what they can to our country's coffers. Some will pay more, some less, but if the percentage per capita is the same, no one should feel they are being hard done by. We are, after all, responsible for the good of our country and all who are fortunate enough to live here.

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Tax free income up to $20,000 income, much higher taxes after $180,000.

CGT for all homes owned except family home exempt.

ECE to be part of public education.

Health to be funded properly from CGT revenue.

Boost to kiwisaver by making all contributions tax free.

Carbon taxes for polluting industries and activities to fund climate change actions.

Interislander contract reinstated.

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Well, you've got my vote.

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Great list Judith.

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Thats far too sensible and caring for that lot! But we can dream, can't we?

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You've got my vote as well!

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May 16·edited May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

I want them to fully reinstate healthy school lunches that tamariki will actually eat and take into consideration their various multi ethnic backgrounds (e.g items like sushi and chorizo are ok again!!).

If they admit that 'tax breaks' are unrealistic, and instead invest in health, education and the environment and rethink the cuts to public services I will be fairly happy. I won't actually be happy until they are gone!

I suspect there will be little to no relief for anyone, unless they own property or businesses and I'm hoping there will be a huge nation-wide backlash against the whole rotten crew.

And Nick...I am so grateful for the work that you do to produce this thoughtful, insightful, informative and inspiring daily newsletter. I would be very happy for you to take breaks! Rule #1....first look after yourself...so you can continue to do The Work. Thank you.

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Hear hear Katie :)

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Expecting nothing but more of the same crap to deal with. I will shut my ears to it all so I can maintain a semblance of sanity.

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Like many here, I would like to see the funding go where it is needed- education, health, justice etc - not into wealthy landlords’ pockets- I would also prefer that we put funding into preventing crime rather than more prisons- so alleviating poverty as much as possible so that everyone can live in affordable housing with full tummies

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Would like to see some relief for those struggling however these are not the people who paid for this lot to be in Govt.

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Love to see this Government crash and burn!!

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Me too Marilyn. I’m afraid that if they make a sort-of-semi-ok-ish budget then people will get back to surviving instead of marching!

What I would love to see announced is a fully funded Nation-wide education programme on anti-racism, Te Tiriti and real history, anti-misogyny, anti-homophobia, ableism, pro migrant, pro Pasifika, pro inclusion!

And a living wage for all.

And a fair and transparent tax system that celebrates what those taxes are spent on, and who isn’t paying up.

And front-line workers being paid a lot more.

And MAPAS students celebrated.

And a 10 year 80% bright-line tax for those who own three or more houses.

And incentives for farmers, businesses and households to live actively within co-governance, zero-waste and zero- pollution relationships and activities.

Return of Foreshore and Seabeds to Iei and Hapu.

And Jacinda, Chris Hips and Grant back please. 🙏🏼

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Yes yes yes!!!

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Willis cancels tax cuts, resigns because they are not workable and my proposed tax cut of $20 a week goes to fund improved health and education services. The stuff of dreams.

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

My biggest concern with this budget is that once again a natz government will stop payments to the super fund and pretend they are saving money by doing so.

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

I would really like to see the balance back to those less able, be it physically, mentally, financially, education, spiritual etc

Te Tiriti understanding and acknowledgement, and public services better funded Pretty much all that has been said above


To that means people who voted for the coalition of chaos without really understanding the damage turn and we all fight for a re-election asap

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Please please give yourself regular breaks. We’re all for the workers here! I don’t know how you do it day after day. Take some breaks.

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Yep, well said...

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What I would love to see announced is a fully funded Nation-wide education programme on anti-racism, Te Tiriti and real history, anti-misogyny, anti-homophobia, ableism, pro migrant, pro Pasifika, pro inclusion!

And a living wage for all.

And a fair and transparent tax system that celebrates what those taxes are spent on, and who isn’t paying up.

And front-line workers being paid a lot more.

And MAPAS students celebrated.

And a 10 year 80% bright-line tax for those who own three or more houses.

And incentives for farmers, businesses and households to live actively within co-governance, zero-waste and zero- pollution relationships and activities.

Return of Foreshore and Seabeds to Iei and Hapu.

And Jacinda, Chris Hips and Grant back please. 🙏🏼

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I'd like to see Nicola Willis have a road to Damascus epiphany and realise giving billions of dollars to landlords is financially flawed, as are her promised tax cuts. I'm not holding my breath

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May 16Liked by Nick Rockel

Changes to tax brackets, so wealthy are paying more. Generating overall increase in tax take to fund all public services - health, education, infrastructure to name a few. Make it more difficult for landlords to invest in existing housing, freeing them up for homeowners.

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What I would like to see is the first $20,000 of income regardless of source (wages, salary, benefit, pension or what you pay yourself from your business) tax free. Cancel all the other tax cuts.

Invest in our healthcare system so everyone gets access in a timely manner and all those working in the public health system get decent wages.

Invest in education and fair pay for teachers, no money for charter schools.

Increase in benefits and pensions so people can afford to live.

Investment in mental healthcare and our young people particularly.

For foreign owned companies to be taxed properly instead of taking the money out of the country whilst hiking their prices (supermarkets and banks, I’m sure there are more).

What I’m dreading, cuts in healthcare spending, more cuts in public services and selling off more of our resources and country to foreign interests.

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My wishlist is: 1) Health funded properly. Keep free prescriptions. Substantial funding for both mental health, and health in general, so public services provide what people need - reduced wait times to see a psychologist or psychiatrist,and other specialists, and people can get the operations they need in a timely fashion. Funding for free GP visits for everyone like they do in Oz, and subsidised visits for therapy - psychology.

2) funding to develop climate change resilience: each home unit or a group of homes can have solar panels and a windmill, and batteries, rain water collection, good insulation, energy efficient heating and cooling, a garden. Money for community gardens, including at all schools, edibles in parks etc. local initiatives to share food and resources.

3) wealth and capital gains tax - no tax cuts to others. We cannot afford them.

4) Pay our essential workers more and ensure all workers recieve at least a living wage.

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Wouldn't that be fantastic Bronwyn? I forgot the script charges being reinstated come July ... those & the public transport subsidies have been a godsend for many in Aotearoa-obviously NOT the MP's who have removed them all of course!

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I'd like to see the tax cuts dropped & the Landlord's tax rebates re invested into healthy & WOKE school lunches.

Three waters 💧 reinstated, wetlands, natural swamps & waterways protected. Intensive dairying in southland limited & if possible returned to arable or sheep & beef farming with land use capability taken into account to try & reverse the Nitrate leaching into Canterbury & Southland's water supply & water ways.

Reduce the weight loading of trucks (increased by Key's government) on our Northland roads so they may last more than 2 years after resealing.

Invest in new rail ferrys along with the necessary infrastructure to maintain our national transport across our entire country & across the Cook Strait

Oh fuck it just get rid of this lot pleeeeease!!!

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wonderful suggestions Febes

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re-instate funding for public transport initiatives, including more rail, cycleways, subsidised buses and trains, ferrys, car sharing. Get freight off the roads - more moved by sea and rail. Stop the significant road projects unless they are essential connections or to promote safety.

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An end to secondary tax so people cobbling together multiple minimum wage jobs aren't clobbered. Dreading any more assaults on the environment in the way of de-funding or scrapping of protections.

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An Atlas oriented government with maximum intent on providing for the rich at the expense of the poor. A modern-day throw-back to the days of feudalism.

Charter schools is just the beginning.

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My dream list is anything that works to address inequality in Aotearoa. Tax free income up to $20k, CGT and or Wealth Tax, increased benefits or a universal basic income. Our disabled folk and those who care for them supported. No tax cuts, I’d happily pay more tax for a fairer more human focused system that aims to leave no one behind.

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tax breaks against expenses if people learn te reo and develop and understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi - tikanga etc.

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Re-employ all the people they have made unemployed.

My biggest fear for myself is that they will stop the accommodation supplement and total mobility scheme.

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I would like to see the Demolition Derby adapt to the changes in the economy since they promised tax cuts, which were a blatant and dishonest election bribe and clearly unaffordable even then.

No tax cuts

No landlord rebates

No more roads until we have the money


I would like to see:

More for health

More for State Education

More support for low/no incomes

Free public transportation for students and children

Etc! All the stuff we had before and some new ideas to help people.

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May 16·edited May 16

So very heartening to know that you are out there, you kind, caring and forward thinking people of Nick’s Korero community.

Easy to lose hope when besieged by the Atlas Network nightmare being rolled out by this ‘government’ and the mainstream media shills, but momentum is gaining. Our conversations are growing and we can flatten them. We need to act quickly too though. They know they have limited time before a tipping point of public awareness is reached.

They have shown that public opinion still matters and they will back down with small things, avalanches of letters to the Governor General, to MPs, to the few mainstream media people that haven’t sold their souls, to big businesses that will not have customer bases when a CoC created recession hits…

Their ‘budget’ has not been announced yet. Under the bluster and smugness they are still feeling vulnerable.

All of the caring and responsible budget suggestions here, sent out further by all of us and us all having the big conversations with others and encouraging them to act too would turn into a Voice too big to be ignored.

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Often I begrudge people for their selfishness particularly when it comes to political voting. So on this occasion I am no better. First off the health system demands immediate assistance. Would look to the system reducing all waiting lists! That will necessitate further attractions for staff e.g. paying trainee nurses a retainer. Secondly return beneficiary, including superannuatents, payments to being based on cost of living. Gosh I’m a day late and after thinking I lost my writing here I went through all of the comments and see many are on my list also. I will just put in the Grey Power requests

- Recognising that a significant proportion of retirees dependent on NZS alone, and with cash reserves under $45,000, are frequently unable to live with dignity and mana in their retirement. The following solutions are recommended to provide urgently needed more targeted support: -

Urgently review and increase the Accommodation Supplement maximum rates to better reflect the increases in median rental rates over the past 5 years and provide an annual review and adjustment.

Urgently increase the cash asset level for the Accommodation Supplement eligibility to match the level allowed for those in social housing.

Index the annual winter energy payment by the cost of living increase each year.

Reduce the tax burden on those who are struggling most with the rising cost-of-living by considering options such as removing GST on food, a lower, or zero rate of tax on the first $10,000.

Increase the household income threshold for the Rates Rebate Scheme an amount equal to that of the NZS couple’s pre-tax income. Consider setting the maximum rebate to at least 35% of the median NZ residential rates (Regional + Territorial Authority).

Yes and that we see the return of a State Advances Scheme for new home owners. Definitely take gst from fruit and veges and NZ made food. A fund be made available for installation of solar installation looking at feasibility for local grouped storage facility schemes. Continue the clean-up of all rivers etc. wealth/capital tax introduced. Bryan Bruce’s recommendations on how to reduce the cost of food in NZ (view his doco). This will also involve renegotiation of all export/import treaties. That will do for now.

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Luxon to actually start acting like a Prime Minister and having a plan for the country. His comments about the police force being encouraged to go to Aussie was pure CEO who doesn't care. He needs to realise that it's the governments job to provide the service and he can't expect people to stay just because the feel obligated to.

Just like Seymour hasn't budgeted for the food to be packaged. He's just being it and expecting it to be distributed and prepared by volunteers.

This budget is going to give a poultry amount back in tax cuts that won't make a difference to anyone it needs to. I hope I'm mistaken.

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I expect it to be horrendous. I have no hope. But then I have never bothered with the budget, I expect it will make no difference to my life, and I'll just quietly sob for all the people who's lives are going to get needlessly harder. I think the first time i noticed a budget was when Labour & Grant Robertson announced a gigantic sum (not enough, but a damn good start) for mental health & free counselling, and I thought- Wow! That will make a difference! (for the first time ever).

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