
I predict I will mow the lawns this afternoon. Beyond that it's really hard to say. I know what I'd like to see but I feel uncertain I can read the mood of the nation any more. I suspect a vaguely SolarPunk future in the long term but let me try for the next few years:

- Health will become a huge wedge issue and the Govt's austerity approach will bite them when we find so many people can't see a GP or are dying in ER waiting rooms.

- Seymour will cause maximum chaos with this Te Tiriti discourse but reason will prevail. A minority will have their opinions hardened, but a lot of other people will realise how much it means to them.

- EVs will approach if not go under ICE cars at the low end of the market. It will become a no-brainer new and used.

- Anybody who owns a house will regret not having solar + battery (I'm so envious, it's only a matter of time for us)

- Labour/Greens will be 50:50 by 2029, likely see Chloe as co-PM

- Localism will become more popular - communities ensuring resilience in the face of disaster, repairing rather than buying, sharing food, even perhaps generating their own energy.

- Disco will return (my Travolta style white suit is cleaned and pressed and hanging in the wardrobe)

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SolarPunk sounds good, although with vague Mad Max, end times, tones.

I can't imagine returning to a regular car; our hybrid uses so little fuel. We should be doing more to phase out older vehicles.

Suspect you're right about Labour and the Greens drawing closer, be glad to see the Greens get past all these stupid controversies and back to painting an alternative future to this coalition.

Disco you say? I guess it came during some pretty grim economic times during the 70s - maybe Disco is the answer now? I have an awful image of Christopher Luxon strutting his stuff on Tiktok.

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That’s not an image I wanted in my head Nick 😆

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2 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Yeah thanks a lot NOT Nick! Jeez godforbid & here I thought you liked us

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3 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

😂🤣😂🤣horrible image

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2 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Me neither

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Winston won't let David take over as DPM, and he'll probably use the next budget as the excuse to pull the plug. There will have to be a snap election.

Luxon is up to something with selling all his properties so either divorce or ready to jump ship.

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It's not a good sign, is it? He's sold two properties recently and now has a third on the market. Either he knows something is about to go badly in the housing market he has done so much to assist, or maybe he wants to divest before there is more of a conversation on a CGT. It's a weakness for him to own all those properties or for any politician who opposes doing anything about the housing market.

At some point, Winston is going to fall out with them, and he has power - it's hard to see National and ACT getting enough votes between them - they have little option other than to give him what he wants - which is part of the reason we're in this mess. In yesterday's poll, it was pretty awful to see how many people would still vote for NZ First after all Shane Jones and Casey Costello have done.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

That sounds very plausible Nick! Let’s hope so!

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Exactly what I thought about Luxon selling his properties, something is going on. This is a man motivated by self interest, perhaps he thinks he’s going to get rolled and is getting his ducks in a row for a move to the US, that country who’s culture ‘he gets’.

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Omg I would be singing 'I'm on the top of the world' if that were to happen Diana not that I hate the US but hell half of them still like Trump so they can have ours!

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Let’s hope that as he’s “sorted” he’s getting ready to stuff off to Hawaii to live next door to his mate, John Key, and spend the rest of his life playing golf. Oh wait though, he hasn’t got a knighthood yet so we’re probably stuck with him for the foreseeable.

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Uncle Luxon is "getting his aces in their places" LOL

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2 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

He's going invest in the privatisation of nz health of course. Then he'll move back to the US. He was only ever interested in the knighthood and the photo ops with world leaders so he can do the speaking circuit.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

It might be a political decision. He's been getting a fair amount of stick over his property portfolio so maybe he thinks if he gets rid of some of it the media will lose interest.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

On a positive note the contrast between the Labour stunners I’m looking at you Barbara, Ayesha, Kieran Chippy, Carmel, Jan, Megan and many more will make the CoC look impossible . Chloe will continue to speak truth to power,and the MSM will have to back them especially if we have climate emergency’s. I hope more people donate to Labour and the greens

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The talent on the Labour benches is so much stronger than the government, person for person. I'm especially impressed by Barbara and Ayesha, and I reckon the next election is all about the economy and health. All the people you mention are excellent. There is some real talent on the Greens benches, too, but I'll feel a lot happier once Marama is back—she is the heart of the party.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Thanks for another great post.

I have been predicting for more than six months this coalition will self destruct by this Xmas, I think now, that will only happen with the help of civil disobedience, which is ok with me.

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Civil disobedience would seem a sane reaction to what we're seeing. I reckon next winter will be the critical time. Things will calm down for a bit with the lead-in to Xmas now, and 2026 is an election year. I predict 2025 will be worse than this year in terms of cuts - including ones to benefits, I imagine.

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So many thoughts. Luxon will be rolled before the next election. If the term lasts 3 years that is. When Winston steps down, will he topple the apple cart and cause a snap election? I definitely hope so. There will be mass protests about te Tiriti and the privatisation of our health system. 🤔

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I've wondered what will happen when Winston hands over the deputy role to Seymour and whether there will be an easy transfer of power. NZ First tends to act unpredictably if it looks like they're in trouble, and if things are looking tight, they might choose to "re-negotiate" for a better deal.

I reckon we'll see some very big protests, starting with the one on the 23rd of this month. From the PSA: "On Wednesday, 23 October, we’re asking you to join with union members across Aotearoa to join a mass hui and Fight Back Together for workers’ rights and honouring Te Tiriti." That is their message to members. You certainly don't need to be a union member to protest and stand up for worker rights and honouring te Tiriti.

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Mmm sadly that protest is muddled, for maximum energy and gathering of masses it needs to be clear & bold. Imo.

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Totally agree Karen! Here’s to it!!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

My fail safe palm reading predicts we’ll end up next year with a revolving door of National PMs. First up Willis, then Bishop; the public won’t be able to stomach either. By then Luxon will be long gone as I don’t believe he will have the character or stamina to handle the public vitriol coming his way. Health will be his rubicon. Then, when Seymour ( who imo is becoming more robotic and publicly insane every day ) becomes DPM, Winston will become such a loose unit , the coalition will go to shit and we’ll have an early election. By then Judith Collin’s will be back leading the charge as there is no one else with any credibility or charisma to win an election no matter how much money is thrown at it. No way will Judith ever win an election!Casey Costello, Shane Jones and bloody MCKee are busy doing real public damage to this coalition

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That sounds good, although I suspect we'll have to wait another election cycle before that, unfortunately—I'd love to be wrong. I imagine in Chris Bishop's mind he'll be the PM one day. I'm not sure the public will be warm to that, although he has at least a bit of personality, or maybe that's just an interest in cricket.

I agree Judith will never win an election; she'd be a caretaker at best. My bet would be on Erica Stanford, but I doubt she'll do the rolling. She'd just graciously agree to take the reins "if she must", with minor protestations.

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1 hr agoLiked by Nick Rockel

As he leaves, Luxon will blame New Zealanders as not being aspirational enough lol Nothing to do with him.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Love your comment but agree with Nick, it won't happen quite so quickly... but hell, who knows. Your fail-safe palm reading might be correct. :)

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Luxon is going to leave National before the next election because…

- they might lose and he doesn’t want to be part of that

- his heart was never in it anyway

- he now has cheap flights for ever and other MP bonuses

- he now has enough entreés into the international trade community to make more money

- he has removed the bright line nuisance so his property will continue to be traded tax free

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He certainly won't want to be associated with a loss, and when that time comes, I'm sure he'll run away like Key did. I imagine he'll want a minimum of one more term, though, whether his colleagues share his enthusiasm if the polls go south is another matter.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

His ego is leading him. "I'm sorted" and "I don't care" Those comments will be his downfall. The people who voted for him, they are generally not sorted and they do care. We need to turn 200 000 people. He is helping to do that. He also said "People need to get to know me". He has not impressed on further acquaintance.

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The CoC won't last the full term & I reckon they know it already with all the fast-track damage they're doing. They're out to make as much moolah for themselves before they're booted out. Uncle Winnie will not want to give up the DM - the fractures are already starting to show in the coalition, but can't decide who will throw their toys out of the cot first: their all egotistical narcissists & that will eventually be their downfall. The fact that Luxon is starting to sell up all his houses is a bit of a giveaway - hopefully he buggers off back to the States for good. There will be a snap election before the end of next year after the coalition implodes & people power have their say - Dunedin was just the start.

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When I saw his "I don't care" comments about yesterday's poll, it did make me wonder if that was the plan—just to go hell for leather in the first term without regard for re-election. I mean, their behaviour to date would suggest that. But I imagine they will be pumping out the message that the corner is being turned and they are doing all they can to rebuild the country after the last lot, at least for one more election.

Personally, I think that's what Labour should've done in their last term. They should have gone for it on the basis that they were not going to be in power forever, so make the changes while they can and make them big enough that they're hard to unwind.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Unfortunately Labour were on a hiding-to-nothing, especially with the media giving the Nats so much airtime to spew their propaganda. That won't really change unless we can expel the Atlas network in our fourth estate & get more journalists who are actually prepared to buck the trend & give everyone a fair go & hold the CoC to account

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Good points !

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Well said Sherry!!

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This catastrophe of a government will continue with its slash and burn policies.

More people will lose their jobs.

Social assistance will be cut (to motivate people into work even though there are no jobs available).

More of our diminishing assets will be sold to overseas interests.

Poverty, homelessness, poor health, and crime will increase.

Our education system will deteriorate under profit and ideology based education especially in charter schools.

Immigration will be ramped up as it was in the John Key era to create the illusion of economic growth.

Not really a prediction, just a reminder of what happens when the right are in power.

Sorry for the pessimism.

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I suspect you're right. Especially about benefit cuts, they've run out of money, and people are getting a bit angsty about public service cuts, so it's time for a bit of bene bashing, the wicked aunt of all budgets coming next year.

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America? Who cares it's an irrelevant side show who wins. Luxon will enjoy another term after the failure of the Labour Party to get its act together. Hipkins will vanish inside a sausage roll and Keiran McAnulty will take up the reigns. A racist NZ public will vote to rewrite the treaty and Seymour will become deputy Prime Minister in his own right after Peters fails to gain 5%. Britannica will wrest the America's cup from the money grubbing Dalton. Tactical nuclear weapons will be used in the middle east and Netanyahu will be removed from office and jailed for crimes against humanity. A united Arab Front will impose a two state solution and Israel will be forced to accept redrawn boundaries to pre 1967 positions relinquishing both the Golan Heights and the west bank. China will reclaim Taiwan and become the defacto world economic leader as American influence wanes. A war with Iran is avoided when cheifs of staff in the military refuse to cooperate with the administrations demands. Finally Judith Collins will roll Luxon and become the second non elected National female Prime Minister in 2028. She will be thumped in a 2029 general election where ACT, NZF and Te Pati Maori are not returned and where a Coalition headed by Chloe Swarbrick introduces a CGT and jails Bishop, Jones, Brown, Costello and McKee for electoral fraud, accepting bribes, and lying to parliament. Finally Seymour marries Van Velden, but both are tragically lost as their honeymoon hot-air balloon deflates somewhere off the coast of New Zealand and they are never heard from again.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Im trying to decide if this is satire🤔😅

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3 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Love this Mike! Can’t help laughing as I read!, it would make a great novel! Should you begin it now??

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2 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

😂🤣😂🤣I like most of these predictions

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I've never been so excited about the prospect of a ballooning disaster. Great comments, Mike.

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Thank you Mike. I wish! Fever dreams. I love all of this. One can only hope.

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr ago

Whew!! I think I might call it a day. [joke]

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3 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

I find it hard to predict without emotion and that is probably why we congregate here, we have empathy and emotion. I take heart from our youth who do show a willingness for a more inclusive society, so through their efforts, I predict a positive future

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Hear Hear. I feel the same from Climate Change to the role of te tiriti and te reo - really hope the young ones get engaged big time for the next election.

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Nicola Willis will roll Luxon mid next year.

We will keep the Americas Cup. Although Grant Dalton will continue to be an asshole.

The fact that Kamala Harris isn’t 20 points up on the weird orange guy continues to defy logic.

Tim Southee might not play another test.

Kieran McNulty(sp?) will probably be Labour’s next leader.

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Grant Dalton is a hard bloke to like eh, especially after Sir Peter Blake. Those who work with him seem to have a habit of leaving unhappy. I suspect you're right on Southee; it's time to move on.

Harris may still lose, as incredible as it seems, polling in the critical swing states is still really close. It's hard to believe and awful to imagine what things might be like if he wins. Trump seems more unhinged and nasty by the day - it's mind-boggling that so many people would still support him.

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Yep, tautoko to all that Stephen those are my reckons too re US and AM Cup, including the arsehole bit. And I agree with others who have suggested the Drunkle will roll the current govt and they won't see out the full term. Ego's can never work together for long in peace. Luxon will get rolled, but I recon Willis will be the usurper....briefly till the next election where Labour and the Greens, with TPM, will return on a massive landslide victory. Actually that's more of a wish than a prediction.....🤞

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A reasonable prediction is that Chris Bishop leads them into 2026, with Judith as Deputy.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Luxon will continue to let the world go by while saying "I say this to you" without saying anything or answering a question, the track NACT is on will become more of a shambles, but the crunch will come when Seeless comes to take over as DPM, and the coalition will unravel into chaos and will lead to a snap election. Meanwhile "bottom feeders" (90% of NZers!) will continue feeling the pain, businesses will close down in increasing numbers, the ill and disabled will get less help... and I predict a huge party over Christmas/New Year at Premier House as Luxflakes shows off his trophy to the other high rollers.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

I think the most immediate cause for concern is that the Black Caps, having just lost two tests to Sri Lanka now have to face India at home. Following that is a three test series against England, who have just completely demolished Pakistan. At least this series will be in NZ, so there's some hope for better results. The rest of the world will do what it takes to make us all wonder about our collective futures, but for now we must concentrate on the more important things in life.

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As a long-time cricket tragic I feel your pain. Hope there is some good talent coming through, feels like quite a lot of rebuilding is needed. Love cricket at home, I really hope they can make a game of it against England, it's not going to be pretty in India.

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There are some exciting prospects on both sides should be a great series. Fingers crossed 🤞😊

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I have found life moves in mysterious ways. So I endeavour to keep an open mind, & expect the unexpected. A great question to meditate on.

I ponder too on the strategy of the Govt, what they are doing to woo ( fool) the voters come 2026.

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A good way to be. Trickery indeed to convince people not to believe their eyes, or perhaps close their ears.

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And I forgot to mention GST which they will raise because they have f*cked up their budget, borrowed too much, too many unemployed therefore not enough dosh in the coffers. Will they raid the super fund? Ummmmm

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Maybe after the next election, their whole schtick is reducing the cost of living, even if that's largely BS and smoke and mirrors for the dull-witted. But yeah, tax cuts + landlord wealth enhancers > Social service cuts, and they can't keep borrowing AND claiming to be prudent financial managers.

They might "invest" the retirement fund, in something like roads.

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