Take me somewhere new
I've already been here once before
Somewhere unbelievable
Before it starts to blow up
Take me somewhere new
I've already been here twice before
Let's get out of here
I'm bored this place is gonna blow up
Songwriters: Garret Lee / Jordan Miller / Kylie Miller / Eliza Enman Mcdaniel / Leandra Earl
Substack used to call this a query post, as opposed to a normal newsletter. They’ve deprecated that option now, perhaps realising it wasn’t much different than a regular one. As I begin, I have the following options:
A query post was one of those that posed questions. What do you think about BLAH? Or Ask Me Anything. So today is one of those; let’s have a kōrero, a wee chat about the future. In particular, what is going to happen?
It’s time for your predictions. What do you think will occur and why? There are no wrong answers just conversation starters. By all means, be robust in your views or comments, but let’s keep it polite.
So, what are you predicting? Well, anything you like.
Which Cabinet Minister will resign first? Who will win the US election? Maybe you’re interested in the America’s Cup or some other sporting event - tell us what will happen. Is there some new law or initiative you guess the government might pursue?
Or how about the last straw that will break the camel’s back? Do you have any predictions about what might cause those who voted for this government to lose faith? Will there be any changes in party leaders before the election? Will something cause the coalition to implode?
Anything at all; it’s open-ended; it can be politics, sports, world events, your favourite soap opera, or whatever you like.
So go on then, what are you waiting for? What do you predict will happen and why?
Have a great day, all you lovely people. Let’s have some fun. No worries if you’re a bit busy; I’ll have something different tomorrow.
I have left this one open to all, but I’ll lock it down to paid subscribers if there is troll activity.
On a positive note the contrast between the Labour stunners I’m looking at you Barbara, Ayesha, Kieran Chippy, Carmel, Jan, Megan and many more will make the CoC look impossible . Chloe will continue to speak truth to power,and the MSM will have to back them especially if we have climate emergency’s. I hope more people donate to Labour and the greens
Winston won't let David take over as DPM, and he'll probably use the next budget as the excuse to pull the plug. There will have to be a snap election.
Luxon is up to something with selling all his properties so either divorce or ready to jump ship.