Aug 1Liked by Nick Rockel

Went to school with his father, Rodgers, gotta say the apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

Interesting to note the different treatment meted out to green Genter as opposed to a tory.

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Good point!,

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Yesterday's question time really showed the ineptitude of Luxton and his lot when Act did their little pantomime over the wearing of badges/pins and were taken to task by Gerry. Showed how much influence Seymour has and how willing the other clowns are to put up with hi faux outrage, while also adopting and supporting his racist policies.

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My thoughts exactly Mac! - Luxon's hopes of a knighthood must be resting on that malevolent little racist's shoulders given how much leash the craven coward allows him!

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

Malevolent little racist. Fits Seymour like a glove. Have you seen him crying spilt milk over Karen Chhour as though he is a champion of anti-racist rhetoric? This, from the most ardent racist, bigot and would-be oppressor in our parliament - and he's got plenty of competition for the title in the govt. ranks too.

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Yes indeed Anne!

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sheesh, the day is ruined. I had never thought about sir chris luxon............paleeese universe.......never eva.....he would be smiling permanently even after people waking up and voting.....

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That's why he's there... for the label and then the gong.

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He's absolutely there for the Knighthood, I said that the day he entered politics.

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Yup. Its the only reason he's there

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Well said, Vicki

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A comment like that from McClay, gives us an insight as to the intellectual and behavioural level of these men who are running our country! 🤦‍♀️

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Agree. Those like McLay are at their core believers in their superiority as white men. At times they don't express it but their actions are based on it.

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I think that should perhaps be "ruining" our country rather than running it Leonie. There's certainly not much intellect involved in the blue/yellow/black side of the house. How can McClay have the nerve to comment on anyone's ethnicity when he's part of a multi-coloured coalition?

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Ricardo is one of the smartest and hardest working MPs in the House. If the fact he's Mexican by birth is all they've got against him them they should be ashamed, and a little concerned at their intellectual paucity.

The idea that people who were born elsewhere don't love and understand this country can only be held by people who have never actually talked to anybody not born in this country.

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Yeah! Its the same old story, why can't they be like us white folks, we took over the county, brought in all our mates, its ours now? All those other people just need to fit in, do as they are told, forget the past, too bad that we ripped them off, they are not in Aotearoa now, they are in New Zealand, a good Dutch name.

Just like Trade deals with bigger countries signing our NZ over to the big boys, changing our laws to protect capitalist companies. At least if we sign over management (Parliament) to some Asset Manger company we would not need the layers of government we now have.

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I love it!!

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Aug 1Liked by Nick Rockel

Transylvania - brilliant! Coal-ition Ministers won’t answer questions but you can spot a great question when the reply gets nasty. Yesterday Ginny Anderson asked if Mitchell could could count to 500 - if he had been replying to the question (not in the house) I suspect he would have got nasty too…

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Aug 1Liked by Nick Rockel

It IS brilliant re von Velden Mark - reading that I laughed loudly and startled the budgie! Shambling Mitchell's latest faux pas here on the Coast at least concerns the black mold ridden police station in Greymouth - it's such a health hazard police are forced to work from various spots around town plus they can only use several rooms in the station, avoiding the toxic top floor entirely ... Mitchell suggested the council might like to build a new station and lease it back to the police! - I interpret that as don't come asking us camped here at the trough for help! (and it's never going to happen given Grey has some of the highest rates rises in the country after Westport and here in Westland)

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Aug 1Liked by Nick Rockel

Guess he told the Indians how we do things here,maybe that's why there is absolutely no movement on that Trade Deal we were promised.Luxon sent a failed and racist idiot to negotiate for NZ.All his aces in their places

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Aug 1Liked by Nick Rockel

I think it is just frigging awful and definitely racist

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No I certainly do not think it’s ok for anyone- let alone a senior government Minister to be shouting racist derogatory comments in Parliament or anywhere else. It’s appalling and shameful that these people are supposed to be leading our country but have done nothing but destroy and drag us back to a time when things were grim

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Aug 1Liked by Nick Rockel

I love it when white folks, thinking Im just like them, say racist things about immigrants to me, and I say Im an immigrant and dont even have citizenship, am I the problem too.

Ive lived here for over 40 years, permanent resident, but for now prefer to keep my Dutch passport until I dont need to visit my old dad anymore.

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Im a Brit and also pull that line whenever possible. I love the look of utter confusion it always causes.

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Aug 2Liked by Nick Rockel

I woke the cat up as I gasped with laughter over the Transylvania reference. I’m verging on incontinence reading today’s post. Bloody marvellous, bonus is the Killers❤️

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Comments of McClay's sort reveal the unshielded mind. The person it belongs to. Scratch him and that's what he bleeds. And an apology can't make it disappear.

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Aug 1Liked by Nick Rockel

Transylvania! Brilliant.

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It comes from the older TPP round of trade negotiations, The argument was that Caucus sign the agreement, so we are bound by the terms which give rights for commercial companies to sue the NZ govt if any laws effect their profit expectations. The then trade minister was a McClay I recall, his response to an OIA request on the question that too late if we sign it already, was no problem, as it has to be ratified by parliament anyway. But, the Ratification process is to make NZ laws to fit the requirement of the treaty, already signed. Thus we make appropriate law to match the treaty terms! As in the book "Vulture Capitalism" govt makes laws to benefit capitalist companies.

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A good Korero Nick. Gerry Brownlee's imagined riposte was spot on. Xenophobic comments such as McClays are ordinary fare for those who believe that Noo Zelund is white, middle class and male. He must be apoplectic every time anyone from Green Party stands up to say anything

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One can sense All kinds of abuse twirling around within the ‘right-eous’ minds in Parliament. McLay certainly forgetting himself and revealing his sense of superiority as in the days of enslavement mastery.

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