
There are no doubt dyed in the wool Nat supporters who would vote for Adolf Hitler if he reappeared wearing a blue rosette. But they aren't the folks who decide the election. My impression is a lot of the swing voters have a fairly shallow analysis. They just get grumpy about something ("cost of living", "masks") and decide it's time to "give the other team a go". Many are cynical about what difference it makes anyway (a friend of mine says "neoliberalism wins no matter who you vote for") and some, even otherwise intelligent people, are swayed by the polls and want to vote for the likely winners.

But articles like this are vital to remind us of the compromises we make all the time and I appreciate the depth of your analysis. I, also with an 18 year old finishing school, would be quite comfortable with your World Cup tradeoff. At least you are aware there even is an issue, many fans won't be I suspect.

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Having grown up in a rugby loving family with my father, grandfather, and brothers all rugby players, I made the decision to stop watching rugby during the 1981 Springbok tour. I also would not let my young sons play rugby. my husband who loved rugby was not impressed . He grew up at boarding school-Wesley College,a rugby school- and had been in the first fifteen. We were living in Auckland and I started my eight year old son in a soccer team, and then my younger son when he turned five. They both did pretty well in soccer, and were in compettitve teams. My husband did get in behind their sport but he was disappointed they were not playing rugby. I refused to watch rugby at all- he had to watch test matches on tv by himself, with friends and with our sons as they grew older. I remember well how excited he was when Bryan Williams became an All Black. He was the first pasifika player. I remember my husband talking about pasifika players being blocked from top level rugby, not having access to the "right clubs" to become All Blacks.Racism in rugby was not only the Springboks being invited to NZ- it was also Māori players having to be "honourary whites to be able to tour South Africa as All Blacks, accepted by our govt. and riugby union , and pasifika players being overlooked. When we left Auckland for Dunedin , soccer in Dunedin was not great. Rugby ruled. In the end my sons both chose to play soccer initially, but then rugby, and rugby league at different times. My oldest son who lives in Melbourne is a Rugby Union tragic. my younger son who lives in Dunedin prefers rugby league. They got very used to me declining to watch any rugby on tv with them for years. But the times have changed. Rugby has moved with the times- has become more inclusive ( still not perfect) womens rugby has become visible. Go the Black Ferns, and the Kiwi Ferns.There are many Pasifika players- my husband passed away in 1997 after a stroke. He would be overwhelmed to see the pasifika players around the world playing top rugby. My sons have had to adjust to me now actually watching rugby, and talking with them about games/teams. I stood my ground for many years, but I am able to have good conversations with my adult sons about the issues of the past. They fully support the 1981 protests against the Springbok tour, and have an understanding of the racism in rugby in NZ that was exposed from that time. Racism and Sexism.!

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What a magnificent story! Thankyou x

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Thanks for your interesting post Janis, that was good to read.

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I worked and lived in Abu Dhabi for 16 years. Based on what I know ( left in 99, cane back for visits 2009 , 2011. ) no one punishes anybody for their lives. In fact we knew of gay local friends. Qarar( just spent 3 wonderful days in Doha) is the same. Government is not going to arrest anyone. Of course not allowed to shout it from tge roof . I was and am more concerned about workers conditions and pay: but contracts were given to private companies, still happening in UAE, Kwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the problem is with the agents , contractors. I don't have first hand experience if conditions are still the same. Singapore if all remember has same rules for foreign workers . So yes, you don't want to go don't go . But stop buying gas guzzlers, don't fly thru Singapore, Dubai, Doha . Don't use petrol . This is how you sand a message . Who are we to criticise ? We have poverty created by 9 years of Nacts. We have racists, Neo Nazis who are in my opinion worse than anything I experienced . I prefer Qatar to criminal Saudis who now with Putin are keeping oil production low so prices are up , Putin getting billions from selling it to India, Turkey, China .

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Thanks for that perspective. I acknowledge there are worse regimes around the globe, but we don't normally put them on the highest stage to celebrate. I mean it's not like we'd give the World Cup or the Olympics to Putin......wait..... what?

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

An excellent piece , the person who constructed that anti 3 Waters image , needs a good old fashioned kicking.

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

1. Think global 2. Act local 3. Respond personally. I try every day...but lapse regularly. It's easy to not buy Russian vodka when never have in past.

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Wonderful post thanks Nick.

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So you're human too Nick... Coincidentally reading about a Syd Rockel atm -

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Oh really what about? Syd was my Grandpa, seems unlikely there would be more than one.

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He was a headmaster colleague of "Brave Company" author the late Sub Lt. Guthrie Wilson MC - But Syd gets his mention in dispatches, to borrow a phrase, in a biography about Wilson by author Julia Millen of Wellington. She writes well

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Just wish your thoughtful posts had wider circulation than just here and sincerely hope someone in the Govt. reads them because your visions etc give a sound basis from which next year's campaign could be launched. Thanks again Nick.

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Well done Scotland

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I am on the fence about Israel. Unsure they are the total villain here. Definitely they are trying to keep their citizens from attack by the war mongering people around them. Don't forget Arabs in Israel can vote. Jews in Palestine and other countries cannot.

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very thought-provoking. Loved the humour too!!! I must put my mind to think about this one!

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