May 21·edited May 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Jeepers he's lucky he's not a Labour, Green or Te Pati Maori MP or worse one of those who happens to be a woman, or of a certain ethnicity - he'd be burnt toast, goneburgers by lunchtime, chop chop Nicky, no longer an MP and the media would be frothing and fighting to see who could get the daggers in first. The media seem pretty quiet all round on dodgy MP's when you consider that this coalition is being held together by a number of Anti-vaxers, a number of Climate Change deniers, a number of gender persecutors, one MP who wants to kill off our native Fauna as quick as he possibly can if there's a buck from fast tracking mining going to his back pocket and at least one MP who wants to bring back the Nuremberg Trials and presumably hang a certain ex ( World Famous and well loved by some here in Aotearoa ) PM. Interesting to see that another ex National PM ( also World Famous but for the less desirable qualities of turning NZ into a Tax Haven and appearing in the Panama Papers ) might have had his fingers in the till/ cooking the books - who would have thought. Funny how they are often Sirs or Dames also. Magnificent managers of the economy they tell us. Flippery Suckers they are to be sure.

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Flippery Suckers indeed, I like that. 😂

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Beautifully said! Mega Flippery Suckers coalition!

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Brian, you've nailed it.

It clearly demonstrates the power and influence of the media controllers over pollies.

On another note. I comment here from time to time and I truly appreciate the 'likes' that I get. Makes me feel part of a like minded community. Thankyou people

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I'm a bit of a slow thinker. I'd like to add a big thankyou to Nick for providing this forum

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May 21·edited May 21Liked by Nick Rockel

I remember remarking at the time of his avalanche of billboards that he must have received a lot of donations to be able to afford them and now we know that we are talking about $200,000+. That's the sort of money the parties on the left are now up against as neoliberal business interests pour money into the right in order to buy elections and receive resultant favourable treatment. It would be interesting to know how the National Party spent all this money in New Plymouth and avoided the spending restrictions in the 3 months prior to the election. It will also point to whether there were deliberate attempts to hide the amount of money pouring into their coffers with planned spending outside the restrictions. As an aside, this fellow was on the Finance Select Committee. Further evidence of how National's claim to be good with money is just a myth?

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It beggars belief the number of MP s in this coalition who are incompetent, liars, arrogant, cookers or any other epithet you could think of. Not getting Aotearoa back on any track that I would choose. If only the MSM did its homework as you do Nick and then actually shared the result.

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May 21Liked by Nick Rockel

He passed the Natz robust selection process, can you lie Mr McLeod? Hold my beer while I do a flat fish impersonation. Great we cant afford another uffindell private investigation

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May 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Beautifully said!!

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Good Korero Nick. Macleod? Rotten eggs, dead fish, take your pick

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Or bad apple? Whole box spoiled really.

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And will it even make the News tonight?

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May 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Nice work Nick!

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May 21Liked by Nick Rockel

Being ‘good with money’ is only a positive if the money is legitimately yours. An idea for future PM Knighthoods - they come with a 90 day (can be extended) expiry date.

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Could it also be brought to legislation that an incompetent PM has a 90 day trial? It's not like National's not used to the revolving doors when it comes to appointing new leaders.

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This chap was the chair of the Environment Select Committee which is hearing thousands of submissions against the Fast Track legislation. Doesn't take a genius to work out that a lot of those donations probably came from the Oil and Gas Industry in NP. It stinks.

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A pupil of Nicola's school of accounting?

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Great work thanks Nick. That smells decidedly putrid. It seems that David MacLeod is eminently qualified to be a National Party MP.

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Found this on the Atlantic newspage today.....and thought "Wait a minute, this is sounding familiar..."

Winston Smith, the protagonist of George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, works for the totalitarian Ministry of Truth, where his assignment is to produce lies. He rewrites history so that whatever the regime says today cannot be contradicted by something it might have said yesterday. (He ensures, for example, that Big Brother’s “Order for the Day” announcements about the regime’s achievements match up with everything the leader predicted in previous statements, and he excises any untidy references in the state media to people who have been arrested and disappeared.) Once history is fixed, Winston drops contradictory materials into “the memory hole,” a small opening near every desk that leads to a furnace, where the inconvenient past is quickly incinerated.

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Just another crooked right wing MP.

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Imagine if you will, that you are likely to forget about $200,000ish in your kete? From my perspective this seems a bit difficult. Still guess it happened.....

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Sloppy, casual accounting processes. That's arrogance. As you point out Nick, we all put a lot of effort into getting our tax declarations right.

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Never fear, Claire Trevett quickly leapt to his defence in the Herald and managed to mention Michael Woods in her first para.

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