I feel odd about paywalling a newsletter with the quotes of others, so if this one gets to 100 likes today, I'll open it up to all.

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OK, so it reached 100. 🙂

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Thanks Nick for todays thought invoking post.

I would add the Media as possibly the largest influence on who's to blame for the Government.

Prior to the election Labour and Greens ( rightly to some degree ) were slammed by the media daily. Any blemish by any of the MP's bought weeks of howling rage and scorn from both TV stations and a few radio stations too. 1ZB in particular is rabidly against the left and for some unknown reason to me remains NZ's most popular radio station.

I have a friend who is a really intelligent and well read bloke but as soon as politics comes up I can almost see visions Hosking, Woodham or Duplicity taking over. I can't understand it - my only thought being that it is a bit like Heroin or Meth or smoking - once you start you all too easily get hooked. We do have some good conversations and don't come to blows which is something and it is good to hear another as it gives you some idea of how other people think??? I use the word Think with the greatest possible interpretation of its meaning.

Look at the attention given to say Claire Curran, Kiri Allen, Michael Wood, Trevor Mallard, David Clarke, Golriz Gharahman for starters etc all persecuted beyond any measure we see compared to the current crop who in my opinion deserve far more scrutiny for blatant corruption and ethical/ moral failures. It took months, pre election, for the media to start investigating Willis and Luxons bogus Tax figures and even then they were largely ignored.

Now we have Casey Costello for her big tobacco concessions ( and yes she does have links through the Tax Payers non Union ), Nicole AK47 McKee obviously in the pocket of the gun lobby, Luxon losing his lolly the other day with his beetroot face Fricken incident, Nicola Willis killing the ferry deal and since then 2 near ferry disasters....the list goes on.

Then there is the disavowed by all Atlas Group that apparently nobody belongs to but who have massively deep pockets and behind the scenes influence - I can't remember the last time they were mentioned by mainstream media. Any mention of them brings howls of conspiracy theory derision yet look at how they swayed to Yes/ No vote in Australia and now look at who's driving the Treaty Principles Bill.

1984 was not supposed to be a handbook and yet daily we see the power of propaganda, misinformation and disinformation and the control of the masses through an by the media.

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Well said, Brian. As I've said in other newsletters, I have a good mate who is an ACT voter that I love dearly - but we will never agree on politics. Having said that, we do listen to others pov, and there are usually valid points, even if we have different priorities.

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We have family like that. You can, as you say Nick, choose to spend more time with those who share your beliefs, or you can point out inequities such as has happened to those families needing but being removed from the respite list. The truth is people won't admit they have made a mistake, and use the mantras like armour. So to pierce those walls we have to personalise situations with "story telling" of outcomes of current COC actions in a way that helps them reflect. Rather than head on, the repeat of "Oh it is really sad for so and so... tell the story of action and outcome. It works even better when they know the people concerned. One family I know voted blue, commented to us that their son had lost work hours. I was proud of my husband when he said "the outcome of austerity and cost cutting is unemployment and under employment, will they be ok?" We then got the comment that "the loss of Public Servants meant less money in the town" (Wellington). Small steps. I added, "We have been moved from confidence in employment to fear of job losses. " There was agreement about this as their grandson had lost his apprenticeship, and had moved to Perth.

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I actually dont know how you can have a friend who is an ACT voter. I really dont.

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We all need a rant sometimes Nick!! Brian, what you have written here is so true too. Say something often enough people will believe it, propaganda is so powerful. All those $$$ certainly helps too. In the Eastern BOP we are trying to increase people's knowledge of Te Tiriri, mainly about how it can prevent a lot of the Private Takeover of Government Funded Services like Cook Straight Ferries, Health etc. which of course why David Seymore is trying to diminish it's authority.

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When I studied communications, it was identified as 'Group Think'.

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it's brainwashing, like a sales promotion.

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Good read and so very true.

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100% Brian!

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Yes, half of (the voting) public must carry the blame. Next election we can’t rely on them to change their minds so we need he tangata who didn’t vote last time to step up, so let’s all talk to a few folk who should care enough to vote these selfish idiots out. I love boycotting any business that had National Party billboards, whose owners donated to the right etc - and i must be slightly Sicilian because I won’t forget…

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Who do we blame? After 9 years of Helen Clark's government some people around me were saying 'We need a change' and I asked why? The answer was usually a parroting of we need change. In 2023 there was much post-covid unhappiness around and people blamed Labour. Money had been spent to get us through. Others egged on by disinformation thought Māori had been given 'too much' and we had too much te reo. I think they longed for some mythological place they could feel more comfortable. Much of this I think was post covid unhappiness / uneasiness displaced. They were easy bait for the right to 'sell' their implausible less tax with no loss future. So here we are with a coalition weird folks pushing their sponsors agendas. So our mission now is to interrupt this lot.

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It’s so sad but bloody true blame and change rather than think and assess

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I think you have it right! The negativity in so many people plus the Labour support falling away have given us a government that few really voted for. I suspect a majority of voters think of themselves as libertarians which means they come first and anything or anyone that stops their lifestyle or ethos is beneath them. The times I hear the victim blaming, the racist undertones and misogyny in everyday life. The media are hopeless in combating it.

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I’m lucky at my workplace that we have shared political opinions as the inflicted polices have major consequences for our profession. Someone who is friends with us was ranting about all the great things that the government was doing. My reply was, “How much was your rate bill this year?” Total silence. I can’t tolerate what is happening with the present government so choose not to engage with their supporters wherever possible.

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The track we are is clear as I’ve said previously. This government is set to destroy nz as we know it then sell it cheap to their “investors “ which they’ve had waiting in the wings. NZ is a haven for American Silicon Valley types and they will make a fortune off us poor ignorant kiwis. See the profits power giants make then read the news of factories closing due in part to power costs. You don’t have to be a mathematician to work it out. They are all selling us out, reducing our quality of life so we will be compliant and grateful for the crumbs we get

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One of my brothers ends up shouting at me which is a clear indication his perspective is flawed. I don't give up. Another brother didn't believe ACT would get so much power in a coalition agreement when I warned him that it was Seymour who was the danger. Oh dear !! It's no consolation I was right.

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I dunno. Sometimes I wonder if voters don't think, or delve into policies, but rather go on "feels" as expressed these days on social media and headlines. We used to have conversations on the doorstep, or on the phone systematically : we used to have worksite meetings where politics and how they impact were discussed, we had organised groups talking to others in their neighborhoods, person by person, we had big get out the vote campaigns and a massive on ground game. I know I am sounding old, but it wasn't that long ago.

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Most voters today aren’t rational participants. They are not reasoning. They are EMOTING. And the politicians have learned how to tap into that. Our simple human traits have been hacked in the Age of Disinformation.

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Beautifully said. I am so glad I have your column and people’s comments so I know I’m not alone. How do these people not see what is right in front of them?

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Denial is easier than reality. Reality is hard work.

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I feel the same 💕

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I forward all your stuff to redneck acquaintances ( I've stopped calling them mates)

My boycotts, in part, are the advertisers/sponsors on redneck radio, like Bayleys sponsoring the foreskin.

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People who voted the Nats in, knew damn well that meant also bringing in Act, the most toxic of the 3.

I'll never forgive them for that, & the naked greed they showed, bloody disgusting.

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Shared and so well said. I know a couple of Nat supporters. I refuse to talk to them but my face says it all. 🤬🤬

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Your comments are spot on, as an aside I read in today's Herald that Steven fiscal hole joyce was very upset at Labours economic vandalisim by increasing the minimum wage by such a large amount. Question do people like him even pretend to care about those less fortunate than themselves ?

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He was thoroughly arrogant and treated public service officials with utter disdain.

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I feel unfriending and walking away is part of the issue. Rather than having hard discussions and challenging people's views, we walk away, allowing those views to continue.

It's the avoidance that has allowed this to get so bad.

Whilst we avoid talking to those we disagree with we are unlikely to affect change. We need to stay friends and challenge beliefs.

Social media has made it easier to find those who agree and easier to move on from those who don't. Everyone needs thier views challenged and we are less inclined to do so.

The common trend appears to be when challenged throw insults rather than actually discuss the issue.

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Love a good rant when it's deserved! But Nick, sadly, I think we give human nature too much credit for a desire to do good. Clearly many people really wanted those lies.

After Covid we saw a revolt of sorts :

1. a desire for change for change's sake (because they could).

2. Me, Me Me. Bugger being the 5M in it together i.e. "I want it all, and I want it now!"

I'm waiting (impatiently) for the next change / revolt ... back to caring after seeing that is more satisfying after all.

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Yes agreed Anne.

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It says comments - and I have to make comment on all you say Nick! Yes WE did it! We voted them and their ilk into power. No one else, all entirely due to US, we are to blame, some 40% of us and slightly more. And the reason why is Self before others, simple as that! Hang on though, whatever happens, we all will have the cost, and all related problems that arise from government policy and control. There is no one else to blame, but US all of us! At best we have been misguided, at worst deliberately tricked by spin, lies, and propaganda. Now we are back on track, except it is the wrong track, if the present recession does not worsen considerably it will be very surprising. If all we do is tick a "like" box then suck it up, because what we did, we can change - if we stand for a movement to vote for "No Confidence" in this present lot!!! All we need is your support???

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