Bravo Nick - at your brilliant best and Simpering Simeon his usual despicable, slimy self. Cant watch\listen to them, [my dogs think I'm shouting at them lol], so very grateful you doing it for me.

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Kirsty, I couldn’t agree more! Thanks Nick - you’re SO right!!

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Simeon is such a weasel. Jack is excellent at drilling down but Simeon, like his boss, only knows word salads. He doesn’t give a damn about citizens, about children, about the disabled. Only cares about the wealthy and easing their alleged tax burden. It’s so disheartening and we have three more years of undoing and imposing hurts that are undeserved. Unfortunately to be a politician in this government compassion must be kicked to the curb.

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Not just compassion but also integrity!

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the little asswipe couldn't even spell the word.

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Yeah Marilyn, as far as I can discern there was/is no integrity in this political equation/situation : it was/is paid yes-men and yes-women all the way. Aotearoa has just been taken over by North American-inspired pseudo-Christian Neo-Libertarian political forces and burgeoning corporate/political would-be world-dictators like Trump, is my call...and it is all the fault of non-voting dumb Kiwi anti-vaxxers and recalcitrant verging on psychopathic anti-Jacinda misogynistic males from the last election !!! Hey, guys, just because your particular ex-wife treated you like shit does not mean all women are shit...and hey, maybe your past behaviour was half-way to blame! (so yeah, she was not your mother!) ? Yeah, more than likely, eh. And now we've got this lot, and what is worse, this TTT (Triumvirate of Transgressive Twerps) government only just scraped in, but they are using it as a mandate to radically take us all far more to the extreme Right than we have ever been in this country, for at least eighty years...

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Yes, that too.

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It's not three years. Many use that term. We have 30 months to the next election if these creeps last that long. We need to be mobilising now to turf them out.

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Yes, yes, and yes again...

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Nick, I watched the whole program! What followed was Simeon trying to justify their rods policies. Do way with useless cycle ways, etc. Build more Roads of Significance. The last section was a very informed lady from USA talking about how she lead the charge to get cars out of central New York Amazing!!! I wish we could have seen her debating with Simeon.

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Yes, I hope plenty of people saw this segment. Hope for some changes in the future.

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She was brilliant that NY woman - I was wishing there had been an opportunity to hear her speak in person (or maybe there as and I missed it?!) I was listening while out walking and found myself shouting out loud at Simeon's recalcitrance - it was a good thing there weren't people about as I might have been mistaken for a raving mad woman! Good old Jack for his persistence.

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Can we adopt her as our Governor General for Transport (that overrules MP's and this Government wouldn't it?) to run rings around that little twerp & his band of idiots ...PLEASE????

I know GG for transport isn't a thing but you know wishful thinking is all we seem to have nowadays.

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Yes. She was great. And had noprobs with the figures either.

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I sometimes wonder if all this blather from the ministers of this government has an ulterior motive. If we give up watching/listening to their nonsense, they'll just go ahead and do their dastardly deeds without anyone keeping watch - so to speak. A bit like "urgency" means not going to select committees and having to listen to public input disagreeing with their proposals. Oh, wait...

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I'm sure Jack Tame must have felt he needed a shower after that non-interview.

Thanks Nick for doing for us what I find so hard to do - sit through a worry of weasel words.

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That was brilliant Nick! The only policy they had was tax cuts! Now the next thing will be the government borrowing money to pay for them but disguised as something else. Those who voted for these turkeys should be ashamed of themselves!

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Don’t forget selling the family silver. Privatisation is back on track…

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Q: Why did Simeon cross the road? A: To fill a pothole

Brilliant article, Nick. Thanks so much for taking the crap to watch and report the latest farce! Saves me the pain

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Thanks Nick. Excellent breakdown as usual of our broken down system that allows for these weasels to infest public office in the first place. Jack may well say “I know what you’re trying to do “ but he like many many others in our media never say out loud in that moment what it is that they know. And that’s what we could do with a lot more. That is “I put it to you, minister, that you are either incompetent or you are a liar and you have no intention of answering a straight question because if you do then everyone watching this interview will know that you are probably both of those things. Now bugger off, talking to you is not the best use of my life”. It’s all very well to have Q&A take the occasional minister a little to task but it’s a very limited audience that gets to witness this obvious subterfuge from these obvious weasels and we really needed the heat applied to them properly 2 years ago. It’s bloody sad and rather infuriating that we’ve not been well served by the 4th estate and now it’s a little late to be wagging the finger. Thankfully we have you Nick and a small handful of others valiantly shining a light. We have to figure out a way to turn that torch into a bloody big floodlight !

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So glad I don't watch any of this terrible dance away from truth and reality. I am deeply concerned about where our beautiful country is headed. I used to feel proud and in love with this place of my birth. When flying over Auckland headed for Mangere Airport I would feel a sense of such happiness and belonging. These crazies currently in charge have created a sense of insecurity and unhappiness that's very new. I guess I could go and visit Todd McClay our local MP and share how I'm feeling. What the hell could I say to penetrate the Nats psyche? I know I'm not alone.

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I hang on to the belief that the 3 coalition clowns won't make it very far, too many egos in the mix. Watch this space 🤞🤞

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Simian Brown, he gives weasels a bad name......

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Thanks Nick we all are so sick of this coalition lot ducking questions, changing subject, diverting, blaming Labour and to date have not produced any fiscal facts or economic plans. Where is the transparency?

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So so sad, so stupid. So very destructive to all we consider precious.

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I like you gave up watching Nick. Made me sick to the stomach listening. You are so right. Jack should’ve stopped the interview instead of wasting his and everybody else’s time. A true direction this COC is straight into a dictatorship funded by Black Rock/Atlas. That’s my view and I’m sticking to it. Kia kaha tonu tatou katoa ki te whawhai.

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This interview was hell to watch but you made it so much better. Now I understand why the Coalition of Chaos and those who voted for it - they drunk the three Waters - drinking water, waste water, and sewerage and told themself it was the best cocktail ever!

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Haha! I was thinking along the lines of Ford Range(r) man.

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Two words - slimey little twerp- oops thats three.

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Slimey twerp, gaslighting creep, little fker, complete knob, rancid reject, slimeball Simeon..... there's so many to choose from tbf....why stop at 2 or 3?

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