Oct 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Oh dear! I saw Jenny Mae's interview with old Winnie this morning, on the Breakfast show. When he made his cynical comment about apartheid my thought was Winnie-you are a tosser. You are just playing to the fearful and the racists. I am not surprised that he is doing this ,but I am very surprised that Shane Jones is going along with it. Jones knows very well that it's a false narrative. Along with the other false narratives Winnie is preaching.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

So Winnie was collecting votes among the poohs at Camp Conspiracy in which case he did use & abuse his Former MP entitlement.

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When I listen to his rubbish I shake my head in disbelief that anyone is still taken in with his conspiratorial views. And I have grey hair.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

"Wizened old crocodile". Love it !

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Oct 17, 2022·edited Oct 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

I know a couple of Winston voters who say 'never again' because of his increasingly wobbly and racist views. Indeed a focus group of two is not enough to define a trend, but I would be surprised if he gets much traction this time round. Act has stolen most of his racist true believers - and the others have gone to Labour or wherever.

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Oct 17, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

A member of my family has voted for him steadily for some years. When she saw him amongst the mob trashing our parliamentary grounds she was shocked and said that's it ,I'm not voting for him again. She is adamant about this,and not happy about his latest cynical politicking.

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Oct 18, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick if you a needing ideas for your next article how about one on Guarav Sharma claiming that Labour was going to trigger the party hopping bill within the 6 month period before the next election so to avoid a by election? How would Labour be able to do that without a supermajority of parliament, which was how both John Key and David Cunliffe were able to resign from parliament in the lead up to the 2017 election without by elections in Helensville and New Lynn?

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Yeah Nick and if the election night result has Labour and the Greens on 56 seats, National and Act on 55 seats, NZ First on 6 seats and Maori party on 3 seats and specials don't change that we don't know which way NZ First will go. However, if Labour and the Greens gain a seat from National and Act on the specials then we do. Either way the Maori party aren't in government.

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