Jul 10, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

A GREAT piece of writing Nick.

The problem, that humans choose to ignore, has a solution by default.

It has been decided for us - the planet is slowly demonstrating its limits, which we continue to ignore, out of greed and stupidity.

Humans will die - in large numbers - in the most climate impacted regions.

I can imagine life-in-the-2050s. While I wont be around to experience it, humans from my son's generation and down will.

Everything we do now will determine how 'liveable' it will be, especially who we vote for to lead Aotearoa-nz into the certain future of a climate changed world.

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A sound comment. Especially important vote this Election.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes - well written and a succinct summary of the issues Nick.Thank you. I was browsing an online clothing site before reading your blog. About to make an order for something I would like to have but don't really need.Guilt has set in,and I haven't placed the order- I've decided instead to review my quite ample clothing collection, including the ones I have packed away. Fashion does go around in circles- I know I have a dress packed away that is very similar to those I have just been looking at.! I do have a couple of friends who buy most of their clothes second hand to reduce waste. Your comments about inequality, and greed are very pertinent. If NACT are elected at our elections later this year we are going to see an escalation in inequality in this country..

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Every time I hear a politician talking about the need for more people to drive economic growth I think about this dilemma. I don't see this as an either/or choice of what is the "worst" factor. Overconsumption and population growth are both critically damaging! Thanks for a good if gloomy read Nick.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

A well researched and presented item. You write so clearly on complex issues. Thank you.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Some very confronting facts in this piece - thank you for doing the mahi to bring it to us. How do we get more people to listen and act?

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

yes. I do tend to believe the idea that civilisations that have failed throughout history have done so at least partly due to the disconnection from natural cycles, ecosystems, and everything in the environment that gives checks and balances to population growth of all beings. When people started building cities and empires and either "owning" or paying people to do the dirty work. It is easy then to lose sight of our limits. Particularly when you can go colonise everywhere. It is our collective shame that "we" have poisoned and polluted our environment in the process. i have seen this described as "living in this capitalist hellscape". And "our" shame that we have fallen prey to divisive propaganda that keeps pointing to the wrong problems and solutions. Our collectives are stunned and sad and putting on a brave face. And yes finding room is a challenge. I have imagined that our leaders would start talking about finding land that would be suitable to resettle pacific island nations that need to migrate. As their own sovereign peoples with a patch of homeland somewhere on these pacific islands of Aotearoa/NZ. Tuvalu for example is only 26 square kilometres. Surely we can open our hearts for that. I havent heard anything yet, but keep hoping for it.

A nephew who has a two year old daughter, recently said that they won't have any more children, because of the state of the world, so population control may happen because of all the bad news. It was sad to hear that from him. and sad to hear that he was worried about his daughter having hope. Our young people are suffering. Time for leaders who can bring us together in the face of these challenges. I am not sure that they will emerge from the political arena as that is where all of the vested interests are fighting it out. Your writing is an antidote for that and a sign that bringing people together is till possible. thank you.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes, resource consumption/climate change is the main issue; natural population growth is going to decline pretty soon now.

One thing about Canada is that there is a lot of space, but much of it isn't very useful for people to live in. It's too far from existing cities and also from agriculture. One could do like Astana in Kazakhstan and build a city in the middle of it, but it would be hard to sustain. People are going to have to live in cities, and where there are cities already.

Probably similar considerations apply to New Zealand. Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin. Could all be more dense, even while the rural areas depopulate. Can't have everyone driving around the cities too.

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A LOT of food for thought (pardon the pun)

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60 years ago I was smart enough to analyse population growth in my developing intellect, and so: I limited my rampant fertility to one child, and adopted (wanted to adopt many) one. I consider anyone who has had more than 2 an idiot. They are are greedy as the wealthy and science has liberated us from accidentally having a hoard. I despair of women who cannot count from 1 to 14, and men who won't stop producing until they have a boy. Accidents happen, such as twins. But no one takes responsibility for overpopulation on a personal scale. But they're happy to brag about their ability to breed. Think! I also blame idiot religions.

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We always had a solution since the pill and I recognised it back when there were as little as half of the current plague of humans.

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