Nick a" Classic" misuse of language right out of Gobbels' propaganda, is calling cuts in health budgets "Sustainability Targets", when really that is "Slashing Budgets" back to minimalist levels, Lifesaving surgeries do not happen, as no one is allowed to do overtime, replace sick workers or hire replacements. In Christchurch one arm of …
Nick a" Classic" misuse of language right out of Gobbels' propaganda, is calling cuts in health budgets "Sustainability Targets", when really that is "Slashing Budgets" back to minimalist levels, Lifesaving surgeries do not happen, as no one is allowed to do overtime, replace sick workers or hire replacements. In Christchurch one arm of Health is trying to reach the "Sustainable Target" of 13 million less!! Blatant misrepresentation of what is happening. Taking away is not sustainability. It will not renew or improve.
Nick a" Classic" misuse of language right out of Gobbels' propaganda, is calling cuts in health budgets "Sustainability Targets", when really that is "Slashing Budgets" back to minimalist levels, Lifesaving surgeries do not happen, as no one is allowed to do overtime, replace sick workers or hire replacements. In Christchurch one arm of Health is trying to reach the "Sustainable Target" of 13 million less!! Blatant misrepresentation of what is happening. Taking away is not sustainability. It will not renew or improve.
An excellent point, what an awful term.