Why weren't Lee and Simmons sacked outright? Neither of them has done anything memorable in any portfolio they've held. Interesting that we have ministers of finance, revenue and economic development. Couldn't the money matters be held by one minister to ensure all checks and balances were covered? As far as I can see, there have become …
Why weren't Lee and Simmons sacked outright? Neither of them has done anything memorable in any portfolio they've held. Interesting that we have ministers of finance, revenue and economic development. Couldn't the money matters be held by one minister to ensure all checks and balances were covered? As far as I can see, there have become two vacant seats currently held by two vacant ministers. Surely these are two expenses we can do without?
Why weren't Lee and Simmons sacked outright? Neither of them has done anything memorable in any portfolio they've held. Interesting that we have ministers of finance, revenue and economic development. Couldn't the money matters be held by one minister to ensure all checks and balances were covered? As far as I can see, there have become two vacant seats currently held by two vacant ministers. Surely these are two expenses we can do without?
where can I find out about Lee and Simmons?