Jun 16, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

I could do with some of that coconut ice Nick. M mum was pretty good at the home made sweets, and my Russian fudge is legendary in my extended family. I am still "recuperating" in North Canterbury-n I hope to go home next week. I also am having dealings with an insurance company- in my case it is AA Insurance. A few weeks back we had terrible storms in Dunedin, and extreme winds. When the wind hit myhouse it banged loudly. My house is Cantilevered out from a cliff side-almost at the peak of the hill. I lost what looks like a lot of a Butinoyl roof which is/was just over five years old. It's spread all over the section, and I became aware of a leak in the lunge just as I was being trundled into an ambulance to go to hospital- not my iea- I needed to stay home. I did not contact the insurance company until last week. I did contact the roofing firm who had done the work and they said they couldn't look at it for three months- my first step should be to get the insurance company to do a "makesafe". That has turned out to be easier said than done. In sheer frustration when talking to the person I was talking to at AA Insurance I reverted to abuse- callled him a wanker from memory. Not my finest hour- in my defence my little dog who I had here with me had just keeled over and died- he was being treated for his heart -locally here as well as at home-by a lovely vet here- lots of medication-poor boy- it was too much for him. The insurance guy kept on going on about wear and tear, and if they decided it was wear and tear I would not be covered. I pointed out it was a relatvely new roof, and had cost me close to 24,000 dollars. In the end we agreed I needed to speak tosomeone else and after a delay that happened- nice young woman- she was able to tell me that a builder would come last Monday and assess the roof. The builder reported it was a hazardous job, and they needed to do other work to make it safe. Now there is a loss adjuster firm involved- they have just made contact with me. I need to go home -will do next week with my little dogs ashes. I have googled the Loss adjuster firm- they are multi National. I am thinking I might need to get a lawyer involved for support. it's a no brainer that most builders will not want to work on my roof. When I think back to my sons chasing each other over the roof !!! My son in Melbourne is a CEO. He has some of the speak but he does care about his staff. His firm have factories, and design teams in both Sydney and Melbourne- he does see himself as being responsible for the jobs of the people working there. I am pleased to hear you have ceilings now. I have ceilings still, albeit with holes in.

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Oh heck, that sounds like a lot at once. I wish you well with all of it. I have to confess I wasn't always polite with our third party company, Sedgwick. I may have sent emails to other people in the organisation implying that the person I was interacting with should be checked on given she wouldn't answer phone calls, return messages, or respond to emails.

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Gleep. Bring back the days when we went up to the counter in State Insurance and it was sorted there and then and Occupational Health and safety was not used as an excuse to pick and choose jobs

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Things like that were much more efficient and pleasant than what we now have to endure

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Wow, you have had a rough time! Let's hope that things get better for you soon.

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So so sorry to hear of all your difficulties. Surely places like AA Insurance should learn how to respond to distressed clients. Good on you for reverting to abuse - at least they'd know your feelings, which they need to consider. So very sad to hear about your little dog. What an awfully stressful time. You must be very resilient to have got through all that.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

a great piece

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Yes: we are still waiting for an AIG settlement - no walls. We just moved out to a cold but whole house. It completely does your head in to be interminably at the mercy of a f#@%d system. And we don't have roads either!! And it looks like rain again....

And the thought of a CEO and someone with big ideas running the country when we need attention to the people stuff, not for us to be defined by our wealth.

My life has been saved this year by throwing myself into the Ocean at 7.30am each morning...a strangely warm ocean.

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Yes coconut ice ingredients were provided by the school committee at Raumati Primary in Paraparaumu and Tom Scott drew caricature selfies for $10.

You are squeaky gate getting the insurance company oil. Sadly those overseas owned companies do not have the resources to do what they claim to do in their advertising. Congrats on a good result and the bonus; material for the newsletter - albeit with sugar

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel


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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

We too have had "dealings" with insurance. In one storm there was a loud banging and crashing during a wind gust. We looked out to see the carport roof had wrapped itself inside out. Large pieces were swinging wildly in the wind next to a reasonably busy road. We rang our insurer and outlined what had happened. "Could Norm go out and tie it down?" At age 81???' Noooo'. Could we get a 'photo? Well , yes. so we did. and sent it to this young lady at about 3pm on a Friday. "The assessor will come Monday" she said. "Oh but the roof could blow onto the road." we said. " Ring 111 for the Fire Brigade" was the reply," as I have your 'photo and you will have cover to get assistance." So we did, and a Fire Truck turned up and dealt to the problem smartly even weighing it down against further gusts. So we learned Contact them with phots then ring for actual help 111. But if 50 + others are doing the same... I understand the frustrations. It took ages as our container got stuck in Napier and we are in Rotorua. But my heart goes out to all suffering fools and still waiting.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

Glad to hear you will be warmer Nick, sure need it with the current colder spell. As to the comments re unsuitable leaders Boris should be a lesson for all of us. With the support of the MSM who treated him like a hero, and did no real questioning of his political vision, the end result was an incompetent loser. It seems to me we are headed in a similar direction. Along with an ACT tail to wag the dog.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

The loss adjuster I am dealing with is also Sedgwick. Somebody told the person I am dealing with that my roof was 20 years old. Luckily my bank have it covermed- because I extended my ortgage to do the new roof. It is 8years to a day so not twenty at all. And no problems with it until the bad weather a few weeks back. The first time I've ever felt scared in my house.

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Nick Rockel

So sorry you had all that stress but so fortunate that repairs done. It would be too cruel on top of delays by councils and insurance companies (and banks probably) if we had a change of government. I absolutely agree - it won't be possible if that is the case to get improvements - it's all just rhetoric. Hopefully we have the same govt who can continue with long term plans. Thank goodness we have Grant Robertson - the alternative is beyond thought.

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CEO mentality is firstly to make their own bonus every year, secondly it is to the shareholders/stakeholders. Way down the chain are general public and finally the bottom feeders who will get nothing.

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