Jul 11Liked by Nick Rockel

From the very best to represent Aotearoa to the very worst. WFPM Jacinda made us all proud to be kiwis, that "Bald Ego" Im deeply ashamed

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You're speaking for about 65% of Kiwis John. Well said.

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My apologies if I'm a bit slow to respond to comments, just heading out to see my folks with Johnny, be back on line in a few hours.

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No problem at all, Nick. Hope all is going well with your Dad.

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Jul 11Liked by Nick Rockel

Oh god!! And Tova said the Iceland thing wasn't intentional? Well that's a relief! This man is just so excited about achieving his 'American dream' and mixing with the big boys his actual thoughts fell out of his mouth....again! Was it a geographical mistake or an elitist comment is something to ponder....I love the irony of him talking about big ego's... wow! Self awareness has not managed to make it's way into that egg head quite yet. He was wetting his pants all the way... he has no concerns about anyone else but his own 'extroverted' self. If my eyes roll much further I may pass out!

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And to think that I used to think that Jonkey represented the ultimate in cringe and embarrassment! This drongo looks like a kid let loose in a sweet shop! Cringe personified!

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Jul 11Liked by Nick Rockel

Pretty sure the ‘Clooney plays Mr Plod’ was a prepared line, one of those seven teenaged media advisers, because I can’t recall Luxo EVER doing a joke spontaneously. (Apart from the coal-it ion agreement). The Macron hand-thing is in a league of its own - cringe is not a big enough word. I might start to pretend I’m Canadian (too) when meeting foreigners

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“Luxon deflected the question by suggesting Clooney be cast as his Police Minister Mark Mitchell in the event there was a movie about Mitchell’s life.” everything anyone ever needs to understand about the Faberge Egg is contained withing the parallel universe in which he blurted this irrelevant stream of consciousness. A complete and utter fool

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What on earth is going on with that creepy handshake. The poor recipient has his left hand firmly in his pocket while Luxon is clutching at him with both his hands. Bizarre!!

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Jul 11Liked by Nick Rockel

He's like an over-eager puppy dog, but not nearly so cute. In fact, not cute at all.

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In fact no similarity to dear little puppies at all, apart from the crazy, embarrassing over excitement!!

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The odd unscheduled pee due to it, perhaps?

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Nick Rockel

Well the PM was more embarrassing than I anticipated, to borrow from an old adage, if he hasn’t got anything intelligent to say, say nothing. He needs to understand that the “matey” approach is not for diplomatic circles too. Of course he needs to be friendly and approachable, but he needs to it do with dignity and grace, somebody in his publicly and advisory team please, for the sake of our country, bring him up to speed on this before goes to his next overseas engagement.

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Dead right Diana but I seriously don't think he's capable even with the most in his face coaching 🫤

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You’re probably right 😞

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Nah. Rather he went overseas and was embarrassing. The idiots who voted him in to power might actually sit down and do some thinking. If it is possible.

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Yeah, Anne, now we're talking...good call. I for one refuse to give up hope, no matter how faint....

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I seriously doubt that his voters are capable of anything but barking when he says taxcutz.

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And get him a suit that actually fits

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Watching Luxon always makes me cringe but this was a special type of cringeworthyness - just awful and downright rude! As for George Clooney playing Mark Mitchell-FFS!

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Jul 11Liked by Nick Rockel

The genie us out of the bottle and now the rest of the world - that cares to watch - has met our cringe making pm.

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Many will be saying "whatever happened to that outstanding woman they had before??"

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Love this. So true

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Nick Rockel

"Do they really think things like that? said Juliet."

Exactly what I thought when I heard him. It is indeed how they think. They live in a make-believe world, most of which has little bearing to reality. That he considered George Clooney would be a good person to play Mark Mitchell, even if he is trying to be funny, was a stupid thing to say. Clooney’s private response, if there was one, would not be printable.

"I spoke to everyone from the German Chancellor right down to the Iceland Prime Minister,” Luxon boasted,..."

I would advise Christopher Luxon not to visit Iceland. I doubt he will get a very warm welcome!

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It's just crossed my mind. Maybe our Chrissy is miffed because Hollywood is going to make a movie about Jacinda Ardern and it is with her blessing. Not to be outdone, he's proposing a movie about MM because he knows it would look bad if he suggested himself. (wink)

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Oh yes of course that’s where the comment came from! I had completely forgotten about the movie about Jacinda but he’ll have been programmed to say that if someone asked about a movie about him! As if that would ever happen- and it just came out!

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That thought passed through my mind too. I bet he's seething. He will probably self-fund a doco about himself, once he's got his


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Great read thanks Nick. I wonder what Luxon thinks of his own performance?

"I am really winning here." "I think that all those Leaders really know how important I am. I won't need to say "Don't you know who I am anymore?"

"Soon I will easily eclipse that C class Ardern woman."

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Hot Damn! Holding up a number 10 for one of my all-time great movies. I'd watch George Clooney in just about anything but I draw the line at a Mark Mitchell biopic. Luxon gets a five for effort but a zero for value thereof. He's like a rabid stray dog, all shit-eating grin and lolling tongue, sniffing the butts of the "top" countries and lifting his leg on the "bottom-feeders". Put a muzzle on it, shove it in a pet carrier and put it on the next Air NZ flight home, for God's sake. Our collective psyche can't take any more of it.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

He's now said he could work with Donald Trump. That is the level of the man's - lack of - real intellect. I'm gobsmacked!

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Plus morals-free zone.

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So, he really is a completely conscience-free unmitigated ass-licker. Now we know what he is made of.

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Kim it surely hasn't taken us this long ....

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Perfectly said Anna👍

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Jul 12Liked by Nick Rockel

Totally agree re the cringemaking embarrassment of a PM making such an appalling comment about Iceland. A country we could learn from with its energy management, housing, infrastructure, equity and equality of access and participation in Health and Education. The man is a constant humiliation to our country.

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I think that just before that triple handshake, Trudeau was reaching for Luxon's hand and for maybe 5 seconds Luxon didn't notice as he was leering his teeth at the cameras."

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