5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Ok, I'm now convinced, for the good of the Country, that Luxon, Brown, Reti, Seymour, et al, are all Shovel-ready projects. Well, at least the back of the shovel.

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They should each ready holes 1900mm x 700mm x 1800mm, furnish them with worms, then jump in and check out the bttoms of them.

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3 hrs ago·edited 3 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

"Lets be clear" ... "I get it" ... "I'm wealthy" Luxon says. "His parents left school at 16" he says. So did mine. So did most of our parents. He went to university and worked hard. So did many thousands of us over the years. What makes it any different for him? Is he making excuses for his wealth, while the rest of us are deemed to have been lazy good for nothings?

I admire you Nick - and others - who read all the fine print and pass the information on to the rest of us. I can't do it anymore. It's too gobsmacking and depressing. We have a clown in charge of a bunch of second-rate political performers who don't know what they are doing, or they do know but don't care.

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I thought we were told “it’s not about the fricken targets”? Sad that Kris Kristofferson died, one of his great lines seems to sum up Seymour - “freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose”

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Another great korero, Nick.

What is the fricken problem with the media in this country??

Why is Costello not being held accountable for her obfuscation?

As for Luxon, he can't do any better than he is already doing because he's spent his entire life in the shallow end of the pool.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

the only shovel we need is the one we use to bury these bastards.

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It never stops Nick every day something else that shows what an incompetent, entitled, arrogant empty bag of wind Luxton is and what an awful place this crowd is creating for future generations. Meanwhile working people keep slogging along on even less. Oh how they must wish they had the odd house to flog off.

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Right on the money this morning Nick. I have good news and bad news. The good news is that we are a third of the way through the Coalition's reign. The bad news is we still have two thirds worth of lies, discrimination, potentially irreversible damage to our country if Jones, the miners' mate, gets his way and things we probably haven't even thought of, (hence the lack of information about what Q4 is going to offer). It was quite pleasing to read that Luxo is finally morphing from his endless laser focused "campaign" mentality to "operational" once he moves into a house more suitable for a man of his eminent status among us mere mortals. We will probably still have to wait in line for any evidence of change.

Something that does puzzle me somewhat is this. When we are graced with his and his cohorts images standing in front of whatever half finished project de jour, with their hard hats and high vis vests three thoughts come to mind. Are they obeying health and safety measures, are the orange vests warnings to us to not get too close to them because of the risk of permanent damage by contact, or are they just having fun as a Village People tribute band? I can hear it now.....

"I'm Macho Luxo Luxo man,

I get things done better than anyone can"

I'm already waiting in line for the next two years to go very quickly.......

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Ditch everything else, but we must save 20 seconds. Can we name them The 20 Seconds Government? ...Or was it 30? Much more impressive. Ummm.

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Of course the change of mind on the Dunedin Hospital has nothing to do with the promised Waikato Medical School paid for with $1m consultancy by Steven Joyce. Didn't escape my notice yesterday that Luxon's stand up came at Long Bay outside a private development where no one would have a shit show of affording to live there. Not one social house of course. Just on Labour ; yep I know it's frustrating for those looking for headlines from Chippy et al, but I want to see a comprehensive tax policy that talks about how we afford all the things that are being ditched, like hospitals. It's not just about announcing a CGT or wealth tax. We are still two years away from an election. I wish it weren't so, and we live in hope, but meanwhile, our job is to hold this horrible government to account, like they did in Dunedin.

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👍🏾💯I agree with you about Labour/Opposition - close to pointless announcing substantive NEW policies like CGT or whatever 2 years away from an election - sadly with media the way it is it would be ignored as "old" news & get no airtime as opposed to leading up to the final months, quite apart from the fact that it appears there is a lot of wider thought going into comprehensive tax, spending, infrastructure funding etc. - I would rather they did the work to make the figures air tight & defendable. In the meantime, Luxon getting huge capital gains will be held up as the ultimate in examples of tax unfairness (a face to the problem as it were) - whether he is rolled by then or not.🤷🏾‍♀️

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Labour has to keep their powder dry. Ask the Public for their feed back. Hold meetings for the Public to attend and give alternatives to the current decisions. Putting plans out too soon allows the big money to move in with wrecking balls.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Well done Nick, as usual! It’s just matter of time…..

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4 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Yep, he's being so transparent bout Dunedins hospital you can see right through where it's supposed to be built.

So, 4th qtr KPIs. Do we have a done and dusted sign off report for Qs 1,2,3. I mean one that doesn't have the words 'progress, investigate, report on, form a committee, demolish, etc' in it

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🤬Mayors being lied to up to 2 weeks before the Dunedin hospital was knee-capped for no good reason, is the ultimate in bad faith & egregious management practices of any organisation, let alone a country. 🤔 How are citizens expected to believe ANYTHING they say about ANYTHING if they will outright lie to local body Mayors, who are not just nameless faceless Joe & Jill Blow who can be accused of being benefit cheats, lazy public servants, greedy Maori, etc.etc. because they are anonymous conglomerates of the powerless & the voiceless? 🤬

Labour et al ARE working on their Tax & funding policies - I don't want to hear about them until they have a) fully worked it all through in terms of short term & long term implications b) are nearer to the next election so that media pays attention and c) gathered more Luxon-type public evidence (HIS personal capital gains ) to support the roll-out & accompanying narrative 🤷🏾‍♀️

Luxon, Seymour, Bishop, Brown, Costello et al are certainly not in govt "for the people" - unless they mean their mates and/or their own personal benefit. On that subject, I read an article dumping on Jacinda Ardern because groups & organisations are ASKING HER to come talk to them, and she is being paid to do it. Aside from the fact it is somewhat surprising that it is the PM most associated with being kind & empathetic while being subjected to the highest level of threats, violence & highly misogynist abuse, who is headlined for earning a living for her family post-politics, I do agree with the point that SOME politicians could tailor their policies with an eye to what earning opportunities they might have in the future - the current 3-headed-Taniwha fit that concern perfectly 😜

(BTW - does ANYONE think Jacinda chooses to live overseas instead of her beloved Aotearoa for whom she worked herself into mental exhaustion to get us through the terrorist attack, global pandemic etc., for any other primary reason than the unhinged-right wing media & their followers would make it unsafe for her family? Unless that is she had Luxon $$millions & could barricade them in a multi-million dollar fortress & employ security round the clock over and above what a FORMER PM is provided? And does ANYONE think that she should turn down opportunities to influence people & groups towards & future that is kinder to people & the planet? 🫢 Not to mention the unpaid work she does, that funnily enough is NOT mentioned 🤷🏾‍♀️)

Rant over ... 🌻💙🌞

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I could not imagine any credible organisation paying CL hundreds of thousands for a speaking engagement.

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Agree for several reasons, the main ones being a) he is a TERRIBLE speaker & only worth a listen because he is (currently) the PM HERE and b) most of what he spouts has been tried & thrown out by other govts, so no-one needs to hear it from him as it fails again even if they either still believe it OR conversely don't want a bar of it.

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So John Key hopes Trump gets in I'm betting Luxon & Co feel the same way they seem to be steering our country towards the same ideology. I agree with you Nick about the CGT the country can't afford to not bring it in. I heard an expert on RNZ this morning talking about our new faster speed limits he thought it was bizarre (his words) as Europe is bringing there speed limits down. I thought that's a good description of our government HOW BIZARRE 🤣😂🤣

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Could do a good parody!! Any takers??

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NZ First are scared of the Greens, eh! As the party with actual policy on CGT and Wealth, Greens are the only ones brave enough to say what needs to happen - but that's "woke" , which seems to be used as shorthand for "unrealistic". Actually, it means being concerned about others, about the planet we all share and the future. Which clearly this government isn't.

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Another insite into the failings of National, more importantly failings of media to hold them to account.

If any of Labour's strategists are reading this post take note of England's effort to reduce the effects of climate change.

No more coal fired electricity, they realise wind, hydro and solar is the way to go. Nationals argument for the need of coal and gas is BS and worse still totally dishonest.

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I'm starting to wonder if Luxon's own KPI's are based on the number of times John Key is trotted out for random opinions. Not the fricken target, but desired distraction outcomes. The second time Key has announced he's "Team Trump". Why the fark we even care what he thinks is beyond me, but I guess he is good for "look over there!" as the rest of them scurry away...

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37 mins ago·edited 36 mins ago

May be Dotcom's challenge to Key "You know, you know" in the Parliamentary inquiry indicates Key is working for a group of Theil types. imo Interesting Dotcom's extradition has been paused.

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Key lost any credibility he had years ago. He's just another ex-poly who somehow thinks his opinions are still relevant, just like Richard Prebble and Don Brash. I'm convinced he's still very much involved in this government's rule. To play defence and distraction for his protege Luxon just shows how Ill equipped for the role Luxon really is. He still can't shake the "financially based KPI" mentality, hence the Q's 1,2,3,4. It seems any thinking beyond 3 months is unthinkable. After nearly a year in office he can't (or won't) answer a question directly. He still blames the "last lot" for apparently inherited woes, which a truly focused administration would have dealt with a long time ago.

Luxon is all tip, no iceberg and his political future is melting away rapidly. Thankfully.

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