I am Maori and whakapapa to the Far North and I feel anger and shame for the two so called leaders of NZ First. They do not carry themselves with mana. Their default is to deride, belittle and overwhelm with ridiculous statements and in Jones’ case an overuse of the word ‘woke’ and a blizzard of pompous and pretentious words. Watching Winston mangle his words in his faux outrage re Aotearoa, the Green Party members and being asked to follow tikanga…he looked like a fool. A dangerous useful idiot - aiding and abetting the rascists in our country who are no longer afraid to overtly display their ignorance and bigotry. O’Connor did his job in pulling Winston up. Now Luxon do your job and scurry under the carpet where you sweep all the bad behaviour, and then come out and tell us you and Winston had a conversation.

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My apologies about the joke about climate change striking Jones Country, I wouldn't really want to see anything happen up there.

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'a blizzard of pompous and pretentious words' - spot on, as if sending people running for their dictionaries will convince them of the righteousness of his argument.

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Janine, you are correct, really bad attitudes.

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Wow just watching the two NZ1st idiots doubling down on their shit anti-immigrant sentiments on TV3 News and they just become MORE disgusting.The CEO of NZ is unsurprisingly lacking. Geez what a shit show this government is.

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You couldn't have put it better. They are both a total embarrassment and Luxon needs to show some leadership skills and put a stop to it. Unfortunately I think it will only gets worse when Peter's steps down from his Deputy role and plays to his audience. How he and Jones have the gall to call out other MPs so called misbehavior when they both carry on in this manner defies belief.

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They're truly appalling - and this is not funny, because their words and actions are causing real harm to people and planet. Note that Winston objected to the speaker's use of the word "tikanga" and forced him to translate. Continuous, insidious suppression of te reo Maori and tangata whenua right there. They must be stopped!

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Absolutely concur with your words about the suppression of te reo by Winston ‘no reo’ Peters and the message it sends to my mokopuna and rangatahi of Aotearoa NZ. HOW DARE THEY!! Takes us back to the sixties and seventies when racial intolerance was a thing and negates all the mahi since to save te reo me te tikanga. Indeed they must be stopped but cannot see it happening with a weak as p…ss PM who is a figurehead in name only.

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Yeah the days when a press/TV outlet would pin down people like Shane Jones and grill him on his views of New Zealand citizenship and representation for all and the implications of such views seem to have gone.

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So good, Nick. And that verse by Roger Waters... well, it rings true for sure.

I continue to find it unbelievable that we now have politicians who behave with such extraordinary disrespect. Rude and racist. I think - how did it come to this? Certainly Trump opened the floodgates, and it truly has emboldened some people to feel terribly important by parroting his ideas. And that now includes politicians.

I remember David Lange saying that many of his personal friends were on the other side of the House. I can't imagine him finding much to like about this government.

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'The Woke Banks'.

This is like when the clueless Liz Truss crashed the British economy and, among the very many people and groups that she blamed for her humiliation were the 'Left Wing Economic Establishment'.

To which the only possible reply was, 'I see.. And is the Left Wing Economic Establishment in the room with us now?'

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Oh my bloody goodness! Peters and Jones, disgusting! Is this their way of appealing to certain voters to ensure they get back in next year? Electioneering already! Those two have lost their marbles! The Trump affect!

NZH poll. (Aug 2024. NZ 1st 48% support for Trump. Gives us a bopeep into the type of men they are. I look at those in the COC, and shake my head. Seymour, McKee, Jones, Peters, the dirty sell outs! They will long be remembered, and certainly not with affection by their own. As for Luxons leadership, or lack of?? Rumor has it he will resign? I hope its not just a rumour.

Denial of Climate change, I'm sure Papatuanuku, Ruaumoko, Tangaroa and Tawhirimatea will have something to say about that! Nga mihi Nick.

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You are so right - electioneering already. All they need is the angry nutters to get past 5% and then Winston and Jones have three more years of money coming in - I mean Parliamentary salary not donations from the fishing industry

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Lol. The angry nutters! Watching the unfolding of the American elections and beyond, initially I was in shock, at the lengths parties will go to for a win at all costs mentality. The mentality and logic of his voters! (Mouth gaping) I never thought Trump could go lower until I watched his latest press conference. OMFG territory! Hes off the scales deranged! The worlds going mad! And we have Politicians honoring the Orange man!!

Parliamentary salary! Indeed.

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Keith, watching Parliament yesterday, it was obvious in the National

Party speeches, that they had been schooled to say all the right positives, talking up their wonderful leader etc.. 🤮

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Best rumour I've heard since they came to power

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Luxon will never resign, he will have to be rolled.

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He’s already rolling Peter. Don’t you remember he was telling us about the way he does it some time ago? It seems that his rolling is as inactive as his promises and bullshit. Neither have achieved anything so far.

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He could do a John Key? He left abruptly amidst the clouds of rumor going around.

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please and elevate Willis to the top job...

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Imagine if Luxon showed leadership.

This whole worldwide shitshow is making me more and more annoyed and despairing at the same time. What can we do, now, to make it better?

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Take heart from the fact that it will explode at some point, I'm guessing about a year from now, if not sooner, and it will be glorious to watch.

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God I truly hope so Nick

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Yep. We all hope so!

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Send a complaint to The Leader of the House. Email. They have to respond, and if they get enough emails and letters change may occur.

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I'll do that too

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Eyew. Peters and Jones are like the irascible Statler and Waldorf of The Muppet Show fame, except there is nothing funny about them. I hope the Greens made a formal complaint and Peters is censured for his appalling behaviour. I was horrified The Speaker was so ineffectual at the time. Both have been infected with the foul disease of Trumpitis evidenced by what they spew from the suppurating sores of their hearts, livers, brains and mouths.

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You made a bit of an error in your comment Susan. You used the word “brain” in the same paragraph as Peters and Jones. Please try to be a bit more careful next time. Otherwise fine 🙂🙂

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I wonder if Winston realises what a fool he is making of himself with the way he talk to the media? To me it just demonstrates that he's over the hill, too old, too much booze etc. Not very safe to think of him as Minister of Foreign Affairs. The sooner we get Labour back the better. Tis a worry. As for Shane Jones, I think he must be insane the way he behaves. Certainly if Winston goes Jones won't be a replacement or the party will dissipate.

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I utterly despair at the disgraceful behaviour of Winston Peters and Shane Jones. For Peters to openly challenge the speakers use of the word 'tikanga' whilst [he] was on his feet should have seen Peters 'named' and ejected from the house immediately. This behaviour and flagrant appeal to racist xenophobic rhetoric needs stamping on.

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Coincidentally, I was reading about Jones and co when this Korero arrived. Of course I was also researching more about “wokeness” to pen my letter to the Herald ( who don’t seem

to like me much at the moment), with a bit

more authority, which I have included below. I particularly liked the synonym “evolved” for woke, as there’s some doubt about where Jones sees his thinking on the issue of saving our planet rather than digging it all up.

Brilliant song today Nick which reminded me of why we all prefer Korero to MSM. The music is a helluva lot better than theirs 😁 letter below.

I wonder if Shane Jones, David Seymour and their ilk know the true meaning of the word “woke” or if it’s just something you spout when you can’t think of anything else to say. Various definitions describe being woke as well informed, up to date, aware, conscious, evolved, inclusive and politically correct and many more positive attributes. I would be very happy to be called this. Surely these are characteristics we deserve, desire and admire in our Government ministers? If Jones etc believe themselves to be all the above they must be the most woke people in the country, despite their efforts to deny this. The opposites of woke are unaware, unconscious, ignorant and many more negative descriptions. If they view themselves in this category I’m not going to be the one to advise them otherwise. Jones has no right to denigrate Australia’s woke banks for the way they conduct their business. Nor do he, Winston Peters or anyone else have any legal right to verbally abuse immigrants who come here for a better life and add to the diversity of cultures we have embraced and welcomed over the years. NZF should be held to account for their narrow minded bigotry and apparent disdain for their own ancestry and conservation of AotearoaNZ’s natural uniqueness. At the moment they are showing themselves to be anything but “First”.

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There is no bottom to the sewer that is Jones 🙄 nor any belly yellower than our pathetic excuse for a Prime Minister

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sorry, just to add, it was appalling behaviour the way he talked about send the Mexicans home.

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Winston is a disgusting old man who should be ashamed of himself, he needs to retire!!

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It is ugly. No doubt. I had a small exchange with Nicola Willis on X after her bullying and arrogant attempts at putting down Barb Edmonds in Question Time yesterday. I suggested she tone it down after her shouty, nasty and frankly arrogant responses. Turns out she is a “proud, assertive woman helped by generations of women and she won’t be changing” she responded to me. Fek me, I am one of those women and I never thought assertiveness was the same as aggression.

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Oh well, Nicola is a deluded one - look she thinks she can handle the economy…. In the same deluded way she sees aggression, arrogance and assertive - same, same to her. Barbara is on the other hand intelligent, kind and knows her economics and so how else does a narcissist get one over someone who is a threat…use the shouty, nasty, grossly over confident persona that she is. Urgh.

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Yep. Just to cap the exchange off, Sam (bedleg) Uffindell retweeted Nicola's response to me. Made me laugh and laugh.

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Agreed- it is not aggression - she has no clue that’s why she is loud and aggressive!

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Darien, imagine clashing with her in the school yard! Eek!

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Gotta laugh hey! Bullies proudly sticking together.

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These entitled well paid men are bullying othering and disparaging newcomers as second class citizens. The talk of "equality" in the next breath is an oxymoron, as they think they are better than newcomers and "equality" is just a useful political word to avoid "equity and fairness".

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Peters language to other MP’s, who were not born in Aotearoa, was appalling! He, and his Muppet Jonesy, need to be held to account for their racist taunts!

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