Another great piece, Nick. I agree with much of what you say (the comparison with D Cameron over Brexit is apposite - wish I'd thought of it). My abiding view is that Luxon is well out of his depth. We saw that before the campaign started, because he was absolutely not on top of his policy brief and sounded like an amateur. He thinks politics is like business - and he is wrong about that, too. He doesn't know how to handle his coalition partners, who are far more experienced than he is. He is obviously a crap negotiator, as the impossible coalition agreement demonstrates. (Why did he not just hang tough over the Act Treaty bill idea, if it's a 'long-held' position?) I believe he is a liar (we've seen examples already) and a hypocrite (yes, that too). My principal hope is that the coalition will not be able to survive its internal contradictions, and we will be going to the polls inside the year. The alternative is that we all take to the streets to protest - and Luxon should watch out for that. I lived through Muldoon as a teenager and I'm an experienced protester and organiser. The Springbok Tour in 1981 nearly did for Muldoon (he got fewer votes than Labour with just enough seats - which is why we subsequently went for proportional representation, because the left was outraged). Under MMP, angry street protests will do for Luxon and the whole government will fall. If he wants to know what happens to a party when the leader comprehensively fails, he should look to the UK. The Tories look to be out of power for a generation. The failed leaders are a national joke.

Anyway, see you at the Treaty marches, Nick. I'll be there, carrying a banner saying 'It's our Treaty too!' Or perhaps 'Ka whawhai tonu matou - ake, ake ake!' Although I'm not sure he would take the point (we don't know how many of those state-funded lessons in te reo rangatira he took).

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Very much like your comments Anne French! I too hope for the coming implosion of the present government!!

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I'm with you! Need a new government, not a change of PM.

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We need both!

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Anne, I like your banner, this is our Treaty too!! At least we know Luxton & Seymore could read that.

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Obviously Seymour is evil and can run rings around the man who used to run an airline. But, he too is just a pawn (albeit an effective one) in the big game - the survival of super capitalism. The Atlas Network and their operatives/enablers are on a bit of a roll internationally…

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That’s my worry too. The TPU and the like, heavily funded by the Atlas Network will make the debate very one sided. The Brexit analogy is most apt.

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And not forgetting the recent Australian failure re their indigenous people. Confuse people enough and they can get the answer they bought, not the truth.

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And did you see him on Mata / straight/faced lie when Mahinarangi asked him if he had association with the Atlas assn - he denied this - despite working for some years in some of their biggest groups

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And Chris Bishop’s dad helped start NZTU, quite the little gang aren’t they?

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Totally agree Nick. Luxton has been well played by Seymour who is the local puppet for the Atlas Network and they wish to take Maori out of the consultation process in regard to environmental matters around mining, oil exploration etc. Tobacco tax, Auckland Petrol Tax, Tiriti, plummeting numbers of ev's sold, non use of the Reo, not enough recruits to fill promised extra police, and the others I have missed. What a wonderfully managed start for this Govt. How the blazes did the great CEO keep the planes flying???

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The Atlas Network is a Global Libertarian "Tool - for Fundamentalists" Look where Libertarians sit in the Ideology's Circle that defines Political Parties Leanings from Left to Right in a Circle. You would be hard pressed to see any Fundamentalist Ideology further to the Right of RIGHT than Libertarian Parties such as ACT, Tea Party GOP Rogues, Evangelical Christian Party's, the UK Tories ( as a whole), Macrons & Trudeau former Liberal / Labour Parties, Israel's Likud Party's Multi Faceted Zionist & Fundamentalist Judaic influences, Evangelical Christian Fundamentalists banging at the door in the Constitutionally based USA et al...

Libertarian Fundamentalists are the Clear & Present Danger to Democratic Governance in this World. These folks are NUTZ & Dangerous to Majority Rule Democracy. You can't get further right on the Authoritarian Fascist Scale unless you Dial Up Pol Pot the Cambodian Mass Murderer. You either agree with them, or end up pushin Daisies in an unmarked Grave. They DON'T take NO, or Lets Talk about it, well at all. Our way or the Highway is their Way...

Luxon is a Power Monger, used to getting his own way. He knows nothing, or cares nothing for the tediousness of Debate & Compromise in the Democratic political Process. He withheld things from his Board that breached Democratic governance Principle (US / Saudi secret Maintenance Contracts for Boeing F-16 Fighter Jets Strafing & Bombing Yemen 10 years ago.) "Uh, I dunno who was doing that stuff over there that I never knew about or approved, not my problem, but I'll look into it and report back to Cabinet!...) Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

What we're seeing is Custer's Last Stand of the Global Neoliberal Capitalist Enterprise as it turns into a Tsunami & swallows us Non meritocratic Bottom Feeders 1st to pay for itself in the eyes of the Great Pyramid with the All Seeing Rothschild Eye on the back of the US $1.00 Bill.

Globally, the Major Players of the Rules Based order are Freakin Out. The Tumb knows that We're NOT in this Club, but really, really, really want to be!!!

A couple Centuries ago a Justice System was designed by the Mohican Tribe, a Subsidiary of the Algonquin Nation, that proved quite effective in getting to the Bottom line in an Outsider's (usually some Great White Hope that wanted a Trade Deal, or to infiltrate Tribal Councils & introduce changes. It was called the Gauntlet.

2 Dozen, or more of the Tribes Strongest Warriors stood opposite each other holding BF -Clubs. The Newbie Infiltrator's job to prove themselves worthy of listening to, had to Run between the lines of Club Swingers & Survive. That's the position the Thumb is in currently with his Oversight Lords of WEF.

You got a problem Mr. Thumb, an Indigenous problem. Fix it... Prove your Meritocracy to us and you will be handsomely rewarded. Fuck up and your Arse is Toast. Now get busy Buster, unleash your Flying Monkeys and lets see what ya got!

Mr. cLuxon is just one of Many Subservient Colonist Neoliberal Capitalist political leaders stepping up to face the Gauntlet in a last ditch effort to Salvage Neoliberal Capitalism in it's current Globalised "SWIFT" form.

Sadly, Mr Thumb is not prepared for this Challenge he faces. In his Self interested reach for the golden ring of political power, he shook hands with the the Libertarian Devil himself who promised him riches beyond his wildest dreams if he gave the Devil a shot at rewriting the Te Tiriti Constitution of Maoridom & put a big White Thumb on all things Maori, or Pacific island indigenous.

The Sudden reversal of Luxon's support for a referendum on Te Tiriti has set him up for his own Custer's Last Stand & he's scared shitless of those Clubs waiting for him to meander down the line like a Cake Walk into Town.

This morning on RNZ Ministers were back tracking their arses off because the Boss was insisting that they go 1st ahead of him in the Gauntlet line. Wait, What??? Why am I standing up for this guy wanting to take our Country Backward into Feudalism II, 21st Century Style??? WTF??? You want me to tear the whole thing down after its already sitting at Ground Level & there's nothing left to re-do????

I feel his reversal was the beginning of the end of this 3 headed Taniwha arrangement and if he's pressed into a confrontation with Goofy Dave it might very well come down to a Battle of Sick Ideologies, ending in a Split of the Coalition & ultimately a Snap Election resulting in a No Confidence in Parliament. The Pump is primed & ready to rock. The Clubs are raised and ready for a Walking Dead Thumb to meander past.

All one can hope is that Grant hasn't deleted his Spreadsheets - yet! He's the Shadow Finance minister looking over Willis' Art Scissors chopping away at History & should be able to come in without missing a beat!

This could be a Magic Moment for Chippie & Labour having a rethink about CGT & the over all repressive Tax System of Authoritarian Neoliberal Capitalism that has nurtured Austerity to create the Rentier Society we have today in our once Fair Land.

If I was Chippie I'd organise a Big Hui, pronto with the Parties on the left & once & for all Deliver on their 2017 Election promises of lifting the Boot Heel of Austerity off the middle Class kiwi Taxpayer, the Elderly & the Dirt poor, who are more than likely Maori or Pacific Island Brown Faces, previously pushed out the back door of the old School Bus.

Grant really wants Orr's Job as RBNZ Gov'nor & kicking Nicola to touch would give him big points on his CV!

I think Orr would welcome Granty side-lining these End Runners planning to take the Reserve Bank out of the picture in favour of the Meritocratic Market funding of our horribly broken National Infrastructure.

What the hell are these cretins thinking??? The Market will save us??? There won't be a Market a year from now the way the outside world is going at present! Maybe these folks think we're mushrooms that can't see whats happening in the world around us??? How else do yo explain the giant disconnect from reality going down here?

Luxon's Reversal on White Supremacist policy has signed his Political Death Certificate. It has Polarised both the factions on the Right & Left & given them some serious Gauntlet Clubs to use on the National Party.

The Thumb is in serious damage control in a System he doesn't know, or understand. There ain't no Cavalry ridin in to save yer arse big fella, you just shot your Foot off & killed your Horse with the same bullet! Maybe Politics just isn't your calling mate! How dare you try & rearrange our Deck Chairs without bringing us along!

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Bang on!

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He didn't. The taxpayers of NZ had to bail out AirNZ when he miscalculated with Ansett Australia

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Knowing Parliament processes quite well, I still can't get my head around how Luxon could promise to support a Bill at first reading, sight unseen, when nobody, that's nobody, has even seen a Bill yet. It could have all kinds of other hooks in it. We know what Seymour said would be in it, but until the bill is public and all MPs can see it on the order paper, it is just a fig leaf - though I guess he will have to get Cabinet sign off before introducing it. It seems such an abuse of parliamentary process ; all of those people who will submit, the costs of parliamentary time, select committee, clerks, advisers, and MPs sitting hours through a process that the government has no intention of progressing, or taking any notice of is bewildering. Luxon says it will allow the issues to be "aerated". Oh yes, it will. It will be on the news night after night. Seymour has embarked on an expensive campaign to convince us all, funded no doubt by those Atlas donors. It really is the most peculiar arrangement.

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Darien, from what I see you were in Parliament five years longer than Luxon. He doesn't care (or know) how Parliament works, he made his pact with the devil simply to gain power. That's all he cares about.

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Luxon made that bed, let him lie in those dirty sheets. It's about time the light reached the hideous connections of all the coalition members. Willis has her own links to Atlas via the NZ Initiative. Lobbyists abound, and the left have their own, but I don't believe the public really appreciate just what outcomes organisations like Atlas want. They wil shout "conspiracy", we have to shout and show "evidence" even more clearly. I am sick of arseholes like Hoskins determining the narrative

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Have to agree with the Brexit example, what a dogs breakfast that turned out to be.

And the Australian referendum, badly worded deliberately, so people who didn’t have the whole story, voted No.

This running a country might be a bit harder than the current guy imagined.

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The lies that were told to the UK public about the benefits of Brexit were quite breath taking, yet they beleived it and fell for the con. personally I think that boris johnson and nigel farrage need flogging.

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That would probably encourage them & they'd probably enjoy it! Be careful what you wish for!

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As for putting matters to referenda there are matters that deserve that and peoples referendums are necessary. Brexit and the Voice in Australia are instances of the government should have been giving leadership from their convictions and wisdom. Water and co-governance thankfully went to no formal referendum. However again the Government knowing better than the rest of us the dire state of water which needs urgent attention. Is something which we should borrow billions for.

But I put on Facebook today my own lamentation. I have not received one like yet: “ Is there one thing of merit that has been initiated or actioned by the current “collision” Government? Every lever that costs society, community, environment, climate, tennants, house purchasers, the under-privileged and tangater whenua seems to be pulled madly - without tought of the damaging consequences. Is there anything there, apart from ideology and rush to obliterate the previous government’s policies, any rationale. All their declarations or explanations seem to be from their electioneering last year.

At least Robertson got us out of recession, and inflation going steadily down with cost of living pressures trending down too. Will they benefit from that work or mess that up too?

May be my tears cloud my vision.”

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Just because ACT have 8.64% of the vote they want to make NZ into a White privilege society, and the main PM, has to go along with whatever ACT want! Is that supposed to be democracy?

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Good point, Phil. Doesn't seem politically healthy, eh.

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I was in the UK during the Brexit vote and I did my homework and voted against it, there was a lot of emotive bs went on in the lead up and follow on. My idiot partner voted for, now he is not dumb so I just cannot fathom what went on in his tiny little mind to make him do it. As you can imagine it was a bone of contention in our household for quite sometime. I would hate to see the same thing happen here because the ramifications will echo around the world for years.

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still waiting for Luxon to throw seymour and the bill under the bus and call another election for NZ to support him to rule alone. of course he will lose and we can get back to living our lives although with increased public awareness of the racism and well funded right wing propaganda. If Luxon waits too long then imagine if Maori respond by trying to reclaim their tino rangatiratanga. lots of things would need to be renegotiated. or maybe we would have Takaparawhau bastion point type conflicts everywhere. lets not go there. come on luxon you can do it, call it.

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Has anyone investigated Luxon's links to Atlas Gibbs and c/o?

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I think David forgot his dentures! (Re no personal comments - he's earned them and I couldn't resist either, Nick)

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It's all SO INEPT as well as vicious. But sadly, like you Nick I think the smirking, smug wanker [if only rhe seed merely got sprayed around lol] Seymour knows he's onto something with Atlas backing. I wish media would follow THAT thread. He outright lied on The Hui, too easy to check, but noone seems to have 😪

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I don't think there's any hope of putting the genie back in the bottle now. Luxon has fully proven his incompetence as a leader and a negotiator. The Atlas Network will have the scent of a pushover, and they know how to capitalise on it.

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Luxon is a fool and Seymour a psychopath and Peters a narcissist.

That is a dangerous combination in charge of our country and the harm they could do not to be underestimated.

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