Give me fecking strength! The fact that he didn't realise this was a problem IS A PROBLEM!!!

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I'dsay it's THE problem. He's only there for his own gain

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I think my main issue with Luxon is I don’t understand why he wanted to be PM. I don’t see any vision, purpose, love for his country. Just empty meaningless words and making sure he is getting everything he is owed. No portfolios so we don’t know what his interests are or areas of focus. Just a shell of a man.

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It's about the doors that will open to him after his stint as PM. Zero substance, just grift

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Exactly why I think there must be a reward somewhere in the future either a knighthood and/or Atlas have some little jewel waiting for him!

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Entitled to a Title perhaps?

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Gross. And if he does get one he will have earned it by just repeating the phrase “I don’t know how I can explain it any clearer…” over and over until he leaves office. Such a vacuous grimlord.

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You forgot the Knighthood! Heard of selling your soul to the devil??

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He wanted to be PM for the profile, power, status and to be able to use it for his own gain once he's no longer PM. I'm pretty sure he just saw those 'entitlements' as the start of his ability to grift off the position.

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You and Luxo are both right - it is abhorrent but it is a distraction. We must keep shining light on the stuff this bunch is doing to our country to benefit the already entitled, like Shane Jones suggesting future governments will have to recompense mining companies that lose their ill-gotten rights to dig up our environment

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Actually, why don’t the two and a half (yes that’s you Labour) promise to renege on any PPPs, mining rights etc WITHOUT recompense - put a bit of ‘what if?’ into negotiations with the corporate invaders

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Sorry, two and a half opposition parties…

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Shane Jones is cut from the same cloth as Luxon. Completely motivated by self interest and aggrandisment. But they're are part of a very long list of co defendants

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What an excellent insight into Luxon's psyche - the greed, the arrogance, the lack of remorse ... the man is a moral wasteland and he's sociopathic in the way he conducts himself - the more he reveals his true character the more appalling the spectre of his leadership on NZ's future feels :/

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Yes Jessica was wrong when she said wait till you get to know him a little better- we have now and it’s so much worse than we thought!

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He revealed himself clearly when he took a limo to ride a few meters to Parliament. According to the list of MPs expenses he is very fond of riding in limousines. Entitlement personified.

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Exactly right Marilyn - I swore when I heard JMM say that! - I had his number from the get go, I didn't need (and didn't want) to get to know him better, we will all pay the price now that so many swing voters, who didn't see through his bs, voted him in :/ .... the pearl clutchers et al were always going vote National but the election was hardly a mandate for his and his coalition partners' slash and burn policies - much as they crow that they do!

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Exactly Vicky and haven’t they crowed! We must keep up the opposition to ensure they get the boot

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I sincerely hope that luxon's use of the word Entitled comes back to bite him in the arse.

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Oh, it has! Yet he seems to find it all rather amusing. The $52,000.00 is just a bit of pocket money to him.

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Luxon is the embodiment of the libertarian ethos. I, me first! The rest of you behind, the group nowhere, irrelevant, just keep paying your taxes. My lifestyle is wholesome, yours is....nothing of interest. I'm top dog. I'm in charge, what I say goes. I'm entitled.

Oh and by the way like Nicola said, I don't want any of my wonderful family smoking or vaping, but you carry on then I can give those tax cuts to myself and those around me.

Just how cruel and cynical are this lot!

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I am a superannuant...maybe I could rent out my house to myself and get some extra accomodation supplement ( max $305.00?? ). Excellent - except I'll have to pay tax ( unlike Christopher ) on the $1000 a week I will earn from the rental ( probably about $305.00 )...and then I own a car ( not a Tesla my wife has that one...if only ) so my assets are more than $2700 and thus I don't qualify.

If I could afford it I would take up smoking. Apparently it is now good for you again ( and others - particularly the rich ones ) so it may just fix up my long covid respiratory issues. The public health system is so overrun ( still ) largely due to the extra burden of Covid ( even though many still maintain it doesn't exist ) that getting any further assessment other than seeing your doctor is largely futile.

Oh to be an entitled Prime Minister. Bring back Jacinda.

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Thanks Nick for your writing on the scumbag of a PM we have. His entitlement and his power proves his head in the clouds. Luxon didn’t apologise or show any regret when he decided to announce that his entitlement was causing too much of a distraction. He got caught cheating!

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I enjoy your satire Nick, Premier House, housing for the homeless haha! It was good to see Chippy's speech on the tobacco debate in the house on Wednesday & his question to the Government " where IS your moral compass? Unfortunately, Luxton, Willis, Seymore & other front bench MP's didn't seem to be in the house to hear it.

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It's such a depressing realisation that this man is exactly the kind of person everyone knew, or thought, him to be since the day he became leader of the National Party, yet the country still elected him to be PM!

And why is it now, after the horse has bolted, that the lazy media is reporting what a crass stinking pile of horse manure Luxon really us, when the writing was on the wall from day one?

This man will reign supreme until at least the remainder of this term of parliament and probably even into a second term because the media was complicit in perpetuating the lie he spun about the last Lanour governments incompetence but worse still by never drawing to the publics attention just exactly what a disgustingly abhorrent moral compass he operates under. Thank goodness for people such as yourself Nick for shining the light on this man and his dreadful government!

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Absolutely correct Mike Friend. Many a time (prior to election day) I watched Luxon in particular telling bald face lies, expecting the interviewer to haul him up on it. Nothing would happen. More often than not, the interviewer would simply move on to another aspect of the story. I had to conclude they were protecting him from criticism.

It was also a measure of their hypocrisy, because on other occasions they were happy to air grievances against the previous government with no attempt to demonstrate the falseness of the claims made. Lazy media standards indeed.

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The Media - by this I mean the collective of businesses behind the news - turned its back on the truth after it became clear the haters and wreckers were on top. More likes to be had from trashing the left.

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He probably needs it to help balance his own books, poor chap. As PM, he's only getting (earning?!) c.$0.5M a year, down from his Air NZ CEO annual earnings of $4.2M. Big fiscal hole there!

Which reminds me... What as a country/world goes unchallenged, since CEO fees escalated to these differentials over the rest of their workers, is how they are perceived to add that much value over the 7-9 workers that represents.

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Actually thinking a bit more on all this, I have to thank LLuxon, he has made a point very clear; Why do the Republicans hate the Democrats so much, why to the Right hate the Left so much. Because they do not understand! Luxon has emphasized that very point. He rescinded the "entitlement" because it was a distraction, he, as most Right wingers are, do not understand empathy, concern for others, they have no ability to understand what the Left believe in. Not that they do not care, or believe people are important, they just have NO IDEA of the needs of those not in a privileged position. That is also why their only response to a Left view is Fight or Flight, that is how and why they fought the last election - they do NOT understand, hence there is not the slightest inclination to consider people, or have any form of empathy, it is completely beyond their ability to comprehend. Unfortunately there is no cure!

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His words and deeds are no surprise. This man has never had a moral compass. Don’t forget he left his church in order to get elected. I have always been puzzled by that whole ‘distraction’ early in his campaign. I wondered if he’d really left or was still sneaking up the back entrance every Sunday. I also thought his Judas-like betrayal of his Christian practice called for more than the cursory inquiry it got from media. Now I see it likely never meant anything to him. The oddly named Upper Room says this about itself: We are a genuine community of joy-filled people gratefully held together by the presence and power of Jesus Christ and formed by His love. Doesn’t sound like Luxon, does it? Seems his Christian principles were skin deep.

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I had a section in one of the newsletters this week about it being just as well Luxon wasn't still going to his church as he'd probably burst into flames when he entered, but I thought it was bit much 😂

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It’s a fine line you walk, Nick.

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Luxon's hypocrisy in proclaiming to be a Christian reminds me of Trump holding the Bible - upside down! - in that disgusting photo op. he manufactured in Washington ... neither have an ounce of integrity about themselves!

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I worry for us. This government cares nothing for people’s rights and liberties. None of it seems real except that it is. I am reading a novel about a fascist Ireland. Feels like a big red flag.

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Plus $45grand p/year for an office that he also owns?! A bloke without a single portfolio? A bloke who doesn’t really do anything? I guess he needs somewhere quiet to go and learn his cue cards and he feels entitled to charge us 45grand for that too. Baldrick never had it so good.

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That"'s the "three strikes rule"! $45k for his electoral office, $50k for his Wellington Flat, then rescinding, the $50k, after a bit of pressure, 3 Strikes and he is OUT. But he only get $471k a year! I want with wonder what the next bit will be in this saga?

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