When I look at the COC sucking up to the US I cringe the corruption in that country is staggering when I look at whats going on in the middle east. Then I look at China & think well they seem to be the least war like of all the big powers give us the most trade what's not to like.
When I look at the COC sucking up to the US I cringe the corruption in that country is staggering when I look at whats going on in the middle east. Then I look at China & think well they seem to be the least war like of all the big powers give us the most trade what's not to like.
When I look at the COC sucking up to the US I cringe the corruption in that country is staggering when I look at whats going on in the middle east. Then I look at China & think well they seem to be the least war like of all the big powers give us the most trade what's not to like.