Hi Nick, right on the money as usual, or should I say the lack of it? My despondency over politics is at an all time high. Can’t recall a worse government since Rob’s Mob in the 70s. I was pretty young back then but I loathed his reactionary populism, racism and the whole mean-spirited nature of his tenure, not to forget his tone-deaf response to the Springbok Tour. I remember the wage freezes and carless days and his love affair with the other Mob and the drunken TV interviews as the whole thing imploded. As this current twisted version will do. I’m not religious but I’m praying.

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I hear you - I hated Muldoon with a passion but hate this lot more!

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I do too.

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Loath is closer for me.

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I much prefer Brussel sprouts to Willis.

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Yes I definitely prefer any variety of cabbage to her

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Thank you, Nick, for the insightful analysis and for shedding light on the international context of this madness being perpetuated by the coalition of chaos.

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In New Zealand where the last goverment worked steadily to making the minimum allowable wage a living wage by 2026. The present government says that is wrong for two reasons. 2 illogical and foolish ideas!

They are:

1. The improvements were out of step with thier own record and by comparison should have not ever advanced to a fair living wage.

2. Employers cannot be expected to pay fair and living wages. If they did businesses would fail and the business owner would starve.

Everyone should have - at least - a living wage. If a business fails it is not viable or inefficient. It should not be propped up by a government’s legislation - it might be wise for a government to assist promising “start ups” or even see a business through tough economic times as the Adern government did. That is discerning nimble intervention.

This government is acting to increase poverty and increase the unemployed. That is the wrong direction for health, wellbeing and prosperity of our nation. Don Reekie. (88)

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Thanks again Nick particularly reminding us if the consequences of the Liz Truss budget in borrowing to pay for tax cuts. Oh my Lordy is that what the economy is headed for here.

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When I look at the COC sucking up to the US I cringe the corruption in that country is staggering when I look at whats going on in the middle east. Then I look at China & think well they seem to be the least war like of all the big powers give us the most trade what's not to like.

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Excellent piece Nick. One comment. The tax take always goes down when the right get in. Mainly because money is steered away from the commons towards the elite in the form of the value drop in a values creating a "market" for the wealthy. Jane Kelsey's book "The Fire Economy" explains it so well.

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Second values should read "assets" sorry.

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Thanks Nick. Cats AND sprouts are welcome in our house. As the junketeers visit foreign lands it would be nice to know how much time they spend catching up with movers and shakers in The Atlas Network - reprogramming?

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Yep I imagine reprogramming is necessary!

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Sprouts are Yum and good for you in spite of the wind follow up. Willises on the other hand...... they just give you bad wind.

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If Nicola Willis gets away with the lie that they're not borrowing for tax cuts, only for other things.... Feck.

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Why tf do we need a closer relationship with the UK and US, who are desperate for WW3? I have no doubt they’d love to sell their military weapons to anyone who will buy them, but we sounded to be getting in line. The US is determined to take everyone down with them. The rot is spreading, and our government is inviting more of it in.

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"Things are grim next door." Indeed. Thanks for this analysis. And many many thanks for the Lettuce clip. Was lucky enough to catch them 20 years ago at a late night show during Jazz Fest in New Orleans. You have sent me down a Lettuce shaped rabbit hole - listening to their version of Shakedown Street now. Fabulous. Just the funk needed for today.

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Listened to this one a couple of times, really like it.


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I've been listening to more too, good stuff. Must have been incredible to see them in New Orleans.

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Good fecking grief. My husband is British, and is currently there, steering my father in law through the unrelenting hell that is the NHS. I languish at home, and am thinking of buying a vast amount of sand in which I will plant my head, till this is all over. My cats will be very happy with this as well. For obvious reasons. It’s all a bit depressing. Pass the sprouts.

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I'm in Hospital atm.

Feels like forever.

Had open heart surgery and yes please, The going got tough , and I would love rest & recuperation on a white sandy beach. With plenty of fresh fruit & veges.

Saying that, they have exceptionally good drugs, so I'll have to happy with a drug infused holiday.

Thank you Nick, for yr insights & writings.

I hate Brussel Sprouts. Always were flushed down the toilet.

Cats are my big passion ❤️,

I have a boy 17 & deaf.

His other member of staff is looking after him very well.

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Nick - I appreciate your humour Nick but note there are many things I could call Nicoliar but lettuce or Brussel sprouts are not any of them! Totally agree that tax cuts is an appalling policy at this time and borrowing for them is grossly negligent! And yes I believe it’s the same pool of money and just disingenuous and deceitful to say this!

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I like sprouts, can she not be a yam?

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Sacrilege, the yam is the greatest of all vegetables. Besides it's less like a smaller leafy green one. Given this lot a Leek might be more appropriate but I like those too. 😂

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Oi you're maligning my Welsh heritage with the leek option lol. To me she's more of a bag of salad from paknslave that's gone off by day 2 - all slimey with the normal healthy colour leeching out!

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Getting closer. :)

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Lol I find yams so unappealing. Leafy greens are pretty much all good in my book. How about kale - prickly and pretty much indigestible??

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Baked yams. Yum. And Jamie Oliver's recipe for leek and potato soup, equally or even more yum.

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