7 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

I can't even begin to imagine what a National MP would have to do to get stood down. Murder someone? Luxon is so hellbent on keeping the status quo so he can simply point the finger and blame others, he'd sooner have a bunch of sniveling sycophants groveling at his feet than to enforce any kind of decorum. In the house, all hard questions are responded to with a schoolyard bully, 'Yes,' or 'No,' with all the sniggering of his underlings to spur him on. And as for this trauma over the Canadian dairy backdown, why isn't Mr. Mergers and Acquisitions, Mr. Top-drawer Negotiations over in Canada ironing out what's going to cost the country a fortune. Jacinda would have been. Or is he planning to give Todd McClay a telling off but giving it away because we've got this huge deal with India looming. God help us is we don't get rid of this self-invested pack of loons soon.

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Very well said Catherine. Looks like the first chapter of your next novel has some bones to add meat to📖👍😊

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

A great song, a great day for cricket tragics, and a coincidence, all in one day!

The coincidence is the letter I sent to the Herald yesterday evening. ( yes, another one. I just can't help myself) It probably has a snowball's chance in hell of being published but I think it's appropriate for today's Korero. Read on

I see Christopher Luxon was very quick to admonish Minister Andrew Bayly for inappropriate behaviour, for using offensive language towards a person in front of a crowd, humiliating them in the process. If the offender had been a member of any other non-Coalition party there would be demand to have them at least demoted to the back benches, if not dismissed. I can only assume that the lack of any further action in this case will be because if Bayly is suspended or dismissed, Luxon will then have to face the reality of his DPM Winston Peters' own insults and threats against Te Pati Maori Co-Leader Rawiri Waititi and Labour's Willow-Jean Prime during question time in the House. Surely such a breach of Parliamentary protocol demands the most severe consequences and Peters should be expelled from Parliament forthwith. As PM, Luxon, I imagine, would have the power. Does he have the will and/or, the courage? After all, he's the one telling us hard decisions need to be made sometimes.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

What an excellent letter! I bet that it won’t be published – mores the pity. It just illustrates how unwilling the press is to present both sides of the story.

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Thanks Judith. I'm a glutton for punishment but sometimes, if I get the right editor, I'm pleasantly surprised. There's this and one other in the pipeline at the moment. We'll see how it goes. I'm equally pleased to share my thoughts through this Korero, as I know many are. It a great place to vent your spleen. Thanks Nick!

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6 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

He’s a drunken bully pig and should be booted out of parliament. That worker totally humiliated and no one came to his defence to stop it. He is a hero in my eyes standing up to that pig by telling the world what a piece of shit Bayly is. He’s a classic abusive arsehole who thinks he can get away with it.

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I can't write anything much, or I will overstep the mark. Drunk or not, he sure showed his true colours.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Of course nothing will happen to him. Luxon probably can't understand what the fuss is all about. After all, he apologised, didn't he? What more is there to say? Move right along.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

When I read this I thought "Both Andrew Bayly and the man's Boss are shown in a bad light.

Andrew Bayly bullying, and an unsupportive spineless employer." That has been compounded by the 'once over lightly" treatment of the Minister's action by the PM. Shades of Uffindell's case.

Gradually, any veneer of leadership is wearing thin, and we have a far from ethical group. One term is too long. Out! Out! Out!

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6 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

If Bayly was drunk on the job it should be instant dismissal. That poor worker's boss should have intervened, Bayly was acting aggressively to one of his worker's and he should have protected him.

Luxon won't do anything as it might upset his little kingdom of power, what a sick hypocrite.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Bloody appalling behaviour.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Just disgusting behavior he needs to be gone that's what he thinks of working people eh 😒😒😒

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7 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

Yet another arrogant, entitled, cynical government minister. These people have no interest in anybody but themselves, their donors and lobbyists.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

He was pissed as a fart! His inner feelings brewed and then his distaste for workers flowed out. Did he stop when he realised what he was spouting? No he carried on trying to be the big funny guy who loves putting people down. This is definitely sacking material but Luxon hasn’t the balls to do it. In private can you imagine the conversation between Luxon and Bayly? Pat on the shoulder, “It will be alright, leave it to me”.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

🙋Perhaps we are being a bit generous in thinking the Minister had been drinking? Perhaps he was this offensive stone cold sober? 😱 (Mind you, as he kept referring to alcohol & inviting the abused to have a drink....?)

Apart from the appalling behaviour of ANY visitor to a business, let alone a serving Minister, it is the hypocrisy of both the PM and most of the media in glossing over this while piling on (mainly) women but certainly members of other parties, for any slight perceived transgression - and front-paging it for days/weeks aggressively.🤷

I honestly wouldn't mind if everyone & everything was given the same scrutiny & high expectations and that supporters from all parties demanded that repercussions were equal, but on the other hand realising that some things are not egregious character flaws or illegal acts but just humans being human. Instead we have partisan driven inconsistencies (or as many have pointed out, POWER driven as in Luxon can't/won't speak against his DPM & soon-to-be DPM when they cross what used to be a line for an MP's behaviour🤬.)

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I totally agree with you Cindy!!

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The writing seems to be "on the wall" more and more, an early election would be my bet! What we see is what we get, the rich and powerful over the working class, yes we are all losers - if we let it happen!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

I agree Patricia, the employer allowing that toxic interaction to occur in front of him should be ashamed. To standby and watch his employee be publicly humiliated should be considered a health and safety incident, that should be addressed. Hope the warehouse worker is in a union. If Luxon had any leadership skills (I know he doesn’t so I am wasting my breath here) he would be investigating Bayly for being an arsehole and possibly being a drunken arsehole. But Luxon is the biggest do nothing PM, except he seems to like to sweep, so this will be swept under the carpet. Nothing to see here.

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Sounds like he was a public sector worker made redundant and now just doing his best.

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I also wondered why we were not told his work place. That also may be significant if it was a brewery warehouse.

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This is a classic case of those who consider themselves superior to ordinary folk, exercising their superiority and privilege to remind the lower orders of their station in life. Totally unacceptable behaviour from a public servant in any capacity or circumstance. He should go, but he is perfectly safe as a member of the old boys network.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Nick Rockel

He needs to be sacked, end of 🤬

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