Apr 24Liked by Nick Rockel

Nick I listened and watched Luxon declare how he operates and how Lee and Simmonds were sacked from their portfolios. This was a staged act to prove to his supporters and the media that he is in control and is so strong. Even though I don’t like the policies and lack of empathy from the above two woman I believe they have been made scapegoats for Luxon’s ineptitude in controlling his coalition partners. Debbie Ngarewa-Packer (te Pati Māori)describes this public slaying of the two female ministers as the worst treatment and denigration. She states Luxon’s weakness of leadership in not confronting his coalition partners led to his ruthless treatment in the contempt and humiliation of these women.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 25Liked by Nick Rockel

Great work Nick. And if you have to tell people you are a good leader and can make good decisions chances are you're not either of these things. Enjoy ANZAC Day everyone.

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Apr 24Liked by Nick Rockel

Once again it is clearly demonstrated, that the ability to win an electorate seat, or, grovel your way onto the list, or, drink tea in a public place, or, have the ability to remember a gazillion cliches. Is, no indication, of having the capacity to ably carry out the totally unrelated function of governing a country.

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Apr 24Liked by Nick Rockel

Like the satire Nick, Luxton's "that's how I roll" sounds like a New York gangster!

The good news is that the media seems to be gradually realizing that they get the straight answers from Chippy.

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I listened to Albinoni’s masterpiece and cried for my beloved country. People I meet here on Substack always say: New Zealand! So beautiful. Yesterday I replied: in some ways. Today, you excelled yourself. The language and tone are a perfect match for the horror novel we’re living.

My sadness far exceeds my anger on this day. I lost a great-uncle at Quinn’s Post. He was 18 years old, having lied to enlist. Although I never knew him, I remember him on this day each year. It used to be with many glasses raised high until I raised mine for the last time in 1989.

So, perhaps it’s no surprise my grief overflowed on awakening and reading your magic words. It’s a particularly emotional time and I’m oddly relieved to find I can be saddened rather than enraged by Luxon’s hideous words and deeds. The Monster is revealed in all his blood-soaked ignominy. He can never unsay the vile calumnies that dripped from his lying lips.

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What a farce. Melissa Lee and Penny Simmonds as Ministers outside Cabinet still get $249k plus expenses, plus ministerial travel and all the rest. Goodness knows what Melissa's KPIs with her remaining portfolios will be. Looks pretty lightweight. Nice work if you can get it. Big question for Luxon is does he have the guts to take on the other hopeless Ministers who are there because they are ACT or NZ First? I would say never because he is scared of them.

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Apr 24Liked by Nick Rockel

Luxon should be careful how he chooses to describe his actions. His "roll" may well be mistaken in some circles as a sausage one, given the porkies which he constantly delivers to the public. These, incidentally are the only deliveries of the promised coalition deliverables he has delivered so far He may well end up as breakfast for Chippy's shadow Cabinet. Chippy has already taken a few well chosen bites out of him.

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Apr 24Liked by Nick Rockel

I particularly liked LuxLiquid’s (you’re soaking in it) line ‘have my aces in their places’. As someone who spent a lot of Form7 playing 500 it made me realise that his team are playing ‘misere’ but we’re the losers

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Nick Rockel

If you needed ministers sitting on portfolios that were never going to be popular, then you could choose those who were most inept and unsupported and, and preferably female, to go down in a heap to cover your crappy tracks but leave you looking (to the average neoliberal) like a strong and decisive leader… hmmm .. sounds like a plan.

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Apr 24Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks for the laughs Nick, but seriously these bandits are a worry.

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Apr 25Liked by Nick Rockel


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Apr 25Liked by Nick Rockel

Thanks Mick.

So sad......

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Luxon should take responsibility for the fact that he promoted these two women above their skill set and their ability, and then left them to sink when they couldn't swim. The main problem is that he has so little "talent" in the team that he has very little choice. And he's going to be fighting more fires with Louise Upston in the disability role ...

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