Sep 30, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

So depressing.! So much is stacked against this government. All the misinformation being pushed by the right of centre right. I do hope people realise that what is happening in the UK at present after Ms Truss at al 's tax cuts announcement , and then borrowing heavily is having the sort of outcomes that could happen here if NACT get into power. The UK economy is on a precipice. There is no steady hand there, like we have with Grant Robertson,and Adrian Ore . My Dunedin based son was aghast to hear that Liz Truss had won the nomination for Tory leader when Boris stood down. He, my son ,had read a lot about her, and her policies, and he said to me she has an awful attitude to less well off people and she is dangerous.I did agree with your view of Ricardo Mendes. He really is a pain in the proverbial. And I notice James Shaw is now making statements criticising the government after his leadership debacle. Just makes me want to sigh!!!

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Oct 1, 2022Liked by Nick Rockel

"I arrest you in the name of Che Chavana" , now there's a thought. Anybody with half a brain can see you are stealing from the treasury if you give tax cuts to the rich. Liz Truss is a cold bitch, and loves being seen as such, me reckons.

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A very entertaining commentary on Nikki and( lying Luxon )sorry Denny Denny Crane. I think you summed up his intelligence level with the line when he explains our tax cuts will be different because we dont use the pound ................brilliant

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Mind blowing!!

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Nick Rockel why isn't Karen Chhour upset with David Seymour for posting on his page jokes that other people are making about the situation she got into with Kelvin Davis given that she accepted Davis' apology? For example, the article in the Whakataki Times on the situation. It really has me wonder if she is crying crocodile tears.

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how can anyone who identifies as Maori be involved with the ACT party ?

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She gets very emotional when talking about her childhood. I guess she has ongoing issues as we all do. Seymour would exploit any situation for political gain.

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