"When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last river poisoned, will we realise we can't eat money". A well known quote from the 1800's, apparently given by a Cree First Nation philosopher. Never has a quote been more relevant than today. The policies of the Coalition of Chaos are all based on the destruction of everyth…
"When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last river poisoned, will we realise we can't eat money". A well known quote from the 1800's, apparently given by a Cree First Nation philosopher. Never has a quote been more relevant than today. The policies of the Coalition of Chaos are all based on the destruction of everything we know and care about. The total disregard for our health, digging huge holes in the land, exterminating unique and beautiful forests and wildlife for a handful of dollars, will be the legacy to us of all that greed is about. As Joni Mitchell once sang "you don't know what you've got till it's gone". Sadly there are too many in our Government who simply don't care. The reality is that once the overseas conglomerates Luxon and Co are wooing to invest in our resources, (the product and profit of which will be taken overseas), have cleared out all we have to offer, they'll just move on to the next project, leaving us to pick up the pieces of our once proud land. We can then thank Luxon and Co for blindly following all they believed was great about American culture, Atlas and the Project 2025 way to bring a better, prosperous future to us all... so long as we can. afford it. Oh well, AotearoaNZ, you were fun while you lasted.........
We make the mistake of only saying it is this CofC who don't care about the damage they are doing to NZ. Their voters are greedy and selfish too and don't care about future NZ either.
We make the mistake of only saying it is this CofC who don't care about the damage they are doing to NZ. Their voters are greedy and selfish too and don't care about future NZ either.
"When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last river poisoned, will we realise we can't eat money". A well known quote from the 1800's, apparently given by a Cree First Nation philosopher. Never has a quote been more relevant than today. The policies of the Coalition of Chaos are all based on the destruction of everything we know and care about. The total disregard for our health, digging huge holes in the land, exterminating unique and beautiful forests and wildlife for a handful of dollars, will be the legacy to us of all that greed is about. As Joni Mitchell once sang "you don't know what you've got till it's gone". Sadly there are too many in our Government who simply don't care. The reality is that once the overseas conglomerates Luxon and Co are wooing to invest in our resources, (the product and profit of which will be taken overseas), have cleared out all we have to offer, they'll just move on to the next project, leaving us to pick up the pieces of our once proud land. We can then thank Luxon and Co for blindly following all they believed was great about American culture, Atlas and the Project 2025 way to bring a better, prosperous future to us all... so long as we can. afford it. Oh well, AotearoaNZ, you were fun while you lasted.........
We make the mistake of only saying it is this CofC who don't care about the damage they are doing to NZ. Their voters are greedy and selfish too and don't care about future NZ either.
We make the mistake of only saying it is this CofC who don't care about the damage they are doing to NZ. Their voters are greedy and selfish too and don't care about future NZ either.