I'm still aghast that all these appalling human beings coalesced right under our noses and became our government!! 😭 1 or 2 rotten apples we might expect but how did we not see in advance that these are ALL appalling, unethical and belligerent individuals who somehow 'found each other' and joined up over several years. They're truly sickening, the term "bottom feeders", more appropriately applied, doesn't touch rhe surface aue

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Not enough people were paying attention, that’s how this happened.

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Lots of us were paying full attention, but how were we to know that this so-called Prime Minister was agreeing to behind closed doors? And then he goes and uses the excuse that "It was in the coalition agreement" as if he bears no blame! I'm sick to death of the terrible things these CoC's are doing to the fabric of this great little country!

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Me too the corruption is beyond the pale

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Aided and abetted by a corrupted media in the election campaign :/

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Such a change of ethics from the last government. Remember when Jan Tinetti had to face several hours of grilling from a select committee for getting the date wrong by one day about some Ministry information that had happened while she was overseas.

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One of her main interrogators on that day was Erica Stanford, who, it turns out from the PSA's successful court case, has fired hundreds of Ministry of Ed staff illegally. She has also appointed her NZ Initiative friends to do the work that Ministry experts usually do. (All without media scrutiny let alone any headlines calling for accountability)

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Yes Erica's Ministry advisory group is full of NZ Initiiative fundamentalists.

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Not even pretending to follow democratically created rules and regulations anymore. I suppose the 4th Estate were supposed to defend us but they've gone to sleep. Our only remedy is another election?

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By the time we get to another election the country will be well down the gurgler.

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i worry about that too. It all feels like being caught in tractor beam with an inevitable destination you dont want to go to. I have a feeling and I do not say this lightly or tritely......it may have to get militant and ugly...........to get change.

The last election was disillusioning.

Just how do you oppose big money?

Big money seems to buy votes............

There must be a grassrooots way of opposing that.

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Yes please, the sooner the better. Does anyone have the GG's phone number?

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I know most of these ministers will want to be re-elected next election (hopefully before 2026 - take note Labour Party) so their blatant cronyism and disregard for proper process should be checked. Do they know that between media pacifism and elector’s selfishness we will just forget or forgive - as a big hunk of the US does with Trump. TV3 coverage of Costello was much better than our state broadcaster! Loved that version of Tobacco Road, thanks Nick

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Great performance wasn't it. Thanks Keith 🙂

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Went back and watched The Animals 1967 - stands the test of time too…

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If you haven't heard it, I suggest you check out Johnny Winter's version of the Rolling Stones "let it bleed" I've been a Stones fan for 60 years and JW's version kicks theirs out of the park. A bit off context for today's Korero but you'll hear why if you give it a go.

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Like it, great groove.

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You are so right Nick in the fact these corrupt players have been allowed free rein because of Luxton’s appalling leadership and his craving a knighthood. Allied to this is his fear of Peters and Seymour and a MSM that now seems to find nothing wrong with these harmful policies actioned by corrupt politicians. Still waiting for Maliki to interview Costello or Jones or McLeod and make them accountable as we know would happen to anyone in one of the opposition parties. History proves the point.

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To quote the Bard's three witches "something wicked this way comes" - so appropriate for this appalling triumverate and where's the supposed glorious leader in all of this? .... well he's working incredibly hard with laser like focus developing pressure sores on a sun lounger in Hawaii! - has a supposed PM ever worked less for Aotearoa? ... and add to that the corrupted 4th estate!

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Thanks Nick. Give me effing strength!

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It still confounds me that most of the noise around government, is from these parties who received so little of the vote. It does attest to the weakness of the smiling touchy feely baffoon who is the supposed powerbase and visionary of this government. Good words and satire here Nick.

Luxon may start wearing an ear patch soon, like the wanker in chief and his dumblots are at the RNC.

Or maybe the NZ equivalent could be the old ciggie behind the ear trick, and have a special day in parliament..............or imagine Matt Doucy in a white skin tight T Shirt , with the old matchbox rolled up in the sleeve trick.

What a pack of shysters we have..............but hey, it's a worldwide thang......watchn the BS at the RNC and wider US politics.....we seem to be in some kind of portal where law and decency means naught and big money are making the plays and winning. Despite the recent elections that moved leftish. It's a total conundrum to me.

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It absolutely amazes me as well that so little of the vote is able to control so many big decisions. Luxons constant refrain that it is part of the coalition deal does not cut the mustard. He is weak in the extreme.

I must say that I am just hanging on until Seynmour introduces his Treaty bill......wait for the action! It will blow your sox off.

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So true Cheryl. I have felt in the silence potents of huge action.

I get tired of Luxon going on about 'a mature government'.

Nah, this is like a family where the kids are ruling the roost, in the worse ways. It's the tail wagging the dog.

I will be in any action.......

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Me too!

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Let's not forget Cheryl that all of these decisions come back on National as it is their Govt. no matter how Luxton may try to deflect from that. Come election time our news must be all about that.

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Absolutely agree with you Mac which makes me even more flummoxed by the whole schmozle . WTF!!!

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I just read this from Bernard Hickey - "At a time when the Coalition Government is cutting spending on health, infrastructure, education, housing and public transport to pay for tax cuts that deliver 64% of the benefits to the wealthiest 40%, it has just quietly halved the tax on heated tobacco products, and then Police stopped journalists asking Associate Health Minister Casey Costello about it."

What the actual Fork. The Police now the willing servants of rogue M.P's. It gets worse and worse each day and the media just look the other way.

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Couldn't understand why the Police are involved.

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"When the last tree is cut down, the last fish eaten and the last river poisoned, will we realise we can't eat money". A well known quote from the 1800's, apparently given by a Cree First Nation philosopher. Never has a quote been more relevant than today. The policies of the Coalition of Chaos are all based on the destruction of everything we know and care about. The total disregard for our health, digging huge holes in the land, exterminating unique and beautiful forests and wildlife for a handful of dollars, will be the legacy to us of all that greed is about. As Joni Mitchell once sang "you don't know what you've got till it's gone". Sadly there are too many in our Government who simply don't care. The reality is that once the overseas conglomerates Luxon and Co are wooing to invest in our resources, (the product and profit of which will be taken overseas), have cleared out all we have to offer, they'll just move on to the next project, leaving us to pick up the pieces of our once proud land. We can then thank Luxon and Co for blindly following all they believed was great about American culture, Atlas and the Project 2025 way to bring a better, prosperous future to us all... so long as we can. afford it. Oh well, AotearoaNZ, you were fun while you lasted.........

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We make the mistake of only saying it is this CofC who don't care about the damage they are doing to NZ. Their voters are greedy and selfish too and don't care about future NZ either.

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We make the mistake of only saying it is this CofC who don't care about the damage they are doing to NZ. Their voters are greedy and selfish too and don't care about future NZ either.

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As Shane, the economic saviour of the regions tries to tell us to move along now children, this is a detail that really doesn't matter, I am reminded of , a judgement from the employment court judge a number years ago that contained the phrase 'the woods are as murky as the trees within.' Shane just gets shadier by the day. Casey is trying to compete with Darleen for the 'butter wouldn't melt in my mouth ' award while advocating for the tobacco industry. Corruption surrounds this lot....

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my contempt for these 2 grows by the day , we as a nation deserve better than this pack of arseholes.

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Excellent analysis Nick. In all my years of interest in politics (about 40) I have never seen so much Government corruption. It seems to be largely due to an incompetent, politically naive Prime Minister who does not even seem to realize what the consequences of actions of his ministers could result in.

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He thinks he's still in the boardroom and has everything under control. That's why he can spend so much time out of the country making new playmates while the minions keep the wheels oiled at home. Sad really, for someone who prides himself on being able to "read the room".

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Don't worry, daddy Luxon will be home soon, soothing the waters with deflection and waffles. What will be the "look this way" distracting "isn't it GREAT!!!" announcement coming to consume the oxygen of yet another knife-in-the-back policy?

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When Jones was on Q&A he told Jack Tame he was on his way to aus to talk with mining interests about carving up NZ. Has anybody heard any outcomes from that?

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We make the mistake of only saying it is this CofC who don't care about the damage they are doing to NZ. Their voters are greedy and selfish too and don't care about future NZ either.

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