Gold. Pure gold! Most accurate 360 degree review ever.

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Nick another great article but previous comments avoid your pain?

it is disempowering to feel inadequately rewarded for your work.

I see some issues that need discussion and resolution

1) the economy is being wrecked by the idiots that “Dumb Town” voted for. This results in a significant portion of your readership unable or unwilling to contribute.

2) your annual membership cost is very low, and you regularly offer a 20% discount??

Whether the readership can pay for it or not is their concern. What value you put on your time and effort to produce the material is all you control.

People don’t value anything they get for nothing.

Better to be rewarded for discussing these subjects with committed subscribers than trying to sell into a market that doesn’t have the capacity or the commitment to buy a subscription.

This has to be a business for you Nick and sometimes the hard calls are required.

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Thanks Robert, appreciate your comments.

I suspect you're right about #1 and see anecdotal reports from other writers suggesting that is the case. Probably be going gangbusters if I was writing articles for landlords.

As for #2 I've always hoped to get many readers paying a little but with the effect of inflation and as you say the discounts I might need to rethink.

I'm leaning toward ditching the discounts, perhaps with a special at Xmas, and re think the price next year to bring it more in line with other Substacks.

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Many paying a little is a good Idea in theory Nick but the initial sale is the hardest part. Maximize your potential at initial signup and minimize the opportunity for your existing subscribers to feel unhappy about subsequent membership discounts.

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Hi Nick,

1. Thanks for a great newsletter. :)

2. I vaguely remember you telling us that the 20% discounts were only valid for August. Am I right?

I agree with what Robert said "This has to be a business for you Nick and sometimes the hard calls are required.".

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Yes, the current discount is only available until the end of August, although it applies for next 12 months. As I've responded to another comment I think I'll park doing those other than perhaps having one at Christmas.

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I would carry on my sub if you lifted the price, its worth it. Signing on was only a small hit and that gets me a year of your good stuff. Keep it up and dont under sell yourself.

Maybe offer a discounted yearly gift sub to subscribers so we can get our people hooked. Better than a gift card from Mitre10.

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Yes I agree!❤️

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Plus ça change! Spot on in so many ways! We worry about your subscriber numbers - in a perverse way the fact that there are more careful commentators writing on a daily basis means that there is less of the ready cash for each (deserving) soldier

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well said, just shows the arrogance, Self Righteousness,Privileged behaviour we have come to expect from "lying Luxon".. For all his bs.. we need to keep him there for the up coming Election...Jacinda will wipe the smug smile of his Churab little face when it comes to "facts" and Not BS. Never forget what luxflake said regarding what he thought of those that Don't earn $180,000 plus..."Bottom Feeders".. That statement Alone showed his True Colours.. I also think John campbell was Pushed out of "breakfast" by the CEO[ex nats MP] because Simon Powell Knew John would ask the Hard questions, and Not stand for Un-factual facts. Go Labour.

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Needed a good laugh, thanks Nick. Hang in there, your numbers will go up again, and meanwhile know that you're giving paying subscribers great value. Agree you should review your subs, because if you don't put a value on your work, who will?

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This is just as funny a second time around Nick. It does highlight however how the fawning media have allowed so much of what you have said to be the accepted narrative. Lying, corruption, bad policy and continual electioneering in place of leading are now the accepted norm while voices that speak truth to events are the minority option. Read this morning Chippie's speech is number37 on TVNZ's digital politics list. So they are all bought and paid for including the ones we fund - TVNZ, RNZ.Appalling.

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Yep - love it - 100%. I see what Jacinda is doing and see how well regarded she is (particularly out of NZ). I couldn't see Luxon ever being respected anywhere near that level. I really appreciate your work Nick and where I don't get time during the day of - I do play catch up! Your work is what is keeping me sane (when thinking of the damage this coalition is doing to NZ). I'd be happy to pay more.

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So funny Nick, and entirely true. very clever.

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SO not much has changed then....

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A great read, very funny. Please don't get disillusioned, I really value and look forward to your articles. As we all know times are tough and I think everyone is examining their spending down to last dollar... so not a reflection on you or your articles. Carry on the fantastic work

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Great comment. Nick you have comedic genius. Just trust your instincts.

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Entertaining reading, I think Luxon’s report card would struggle to be this good right now.

Regarding your subscription worries, it’s a sign of the times. I read your daily newsletter every day and thoroughly enjoy it. The work you put in is appreciated, it helps me to keep up with what’s going on, because there’s a dearth of honest reporting in the mainstream media.

Well researched information and intelligent commentary is definitely worth paying for, perhaps a few less discounts and a tweak to the subscription rate?

Please keep going, you’re a vital source of information for us all.

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I and my daughters and sister LOVE your korero!! It's inspiring and uplifting, sometimes depressing and certainly informing. And, we love your family stories!

Do what ya gotta do but don't go!!

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Great read Nick! How little things have changed over the last couple of years. It's been said that there are two certainties in life:death and taxes. I would add another two. The indestructible Keith Richards will be the last person left on Earth after the rest of us have been returned to the cosmos as dust, and Luxon will remain an arrogant, bullying fuckwit until the day he draws his last breath.

Keep up the great work Nick, we enjoy your thoughts, opinions and writing. It brightens many days for your readers

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Line by line you have undertaken a most thorough and amusing performance review Nick. So no salary increases in light of your findings then???

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Absolutely delicious! Nick, you are the master!

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Nick, I enjoyed the Luxton report, don't see much change in him now. too arrogant to learn!!

I agree with others on this page, reduce the freebees, you need to save some $$ for your greatly increased rates too.

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Thanks Rachel, yes I'll let the current discount run until the end of the month and then cut our discounts other than perhaps around Xmas.

I've reduced the freebees, but could so so more although I'll always need some free to try and attract new readers, but perhaps with a free trial rather than a discount.

Appreciate your thoughts. 🙂

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