So true Nick. I missed that breakfast segment ; will have to go find it now. I really rate Kieran, but you are right about Chippy too. What we need from opposition now is pushback and intelligent arguments, not any internal fighting, and definitely not corporate CEO (ala Luxon) speak. I admire journalists who are prepared to call this ou…
So true Nick. I missed that breakfast segment ; will have to go find it now. I really rate Kieran, but you are right about Chippy too. What we need from opposition now is pushback and intelligent arguments, not any internal fighting, and definitely not corporate CEO (ala Luxon) speak. I admire journalists who are prepared to call this out, and you are right ; ABF is outstanding. We have time to rebuild on the Left and prepare for government again, because while we all hope for this government to fall, it's certainly not gonna happen until Winston has a "come to Jesus" moment. In the meantime, we should not let them off the hook for anything. And batton down the hatches, because we are in for a rocky ride.
So true Nick. I missed that breakfast segment ; will have to go find it now. I really rate Kieran, but you are right about Chippy too. What we need from opposition now is pushback and intelligent arguments, not any internal fighting, and definitely not corporate CEO (ala Luxon) speak. I admire journalists who are prepared to call this out, and you are right ; ABF is outstanding. We have time to rebuild on the Left and prepare for government again, because while we all hope for this government to fall, it's certainly not gonna happen until Winston has a "come to Jesus" moment. In the meantime, we should not let them off the hook for anything. And batton down the hatches, because we are in for a rocky ride.