So true Nick. I missed that breakfast segment ; will have to go find it now. I really rate Kieran, but you are right about Chippy too. What we need from opposition now is pushback and intelligent arguments, not any internal fighting, and definitely not corporate CEO (ala Luxon) speak. I admire journalists who are prepared to call this out, and you are right ; ABF is outstanding. We have time to rebuild on the Left and prepare for government again, because while we all hope for this government to fall, it's certainly not gonna happen until Winston has a "come to Jesus" moment. In the meantime, we should not let them off the hook for anything. And batton down the hatches, because we are in for a rocky ride.

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I heard luxaflake tell everyone this morning that the cost of building in NZ was 50% high than Australia and that he was going to allow building materials in from overseas. Was he hiding under a rock when Grenfell went up? Leaky homes anyone.

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That was exactly my reaction- also what about the steel from China a few years ago

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Agree we must give Chippy a chance- he is a man of integrity and a real politician- not someone pretending that it’s their real job! And as you said prior to the election people were looking for a change but now once the realisation has hit they are scrabbling to find a positive from all the crap coming out now

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Yes Nick, many people went (or didn't go) to the ballot box with their eyes wide shut. I think there is still a worrying level of political naivety in the general population. I sensed a much greater political awareness amongst younger Maori this last election and that has to be a good thing.

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Some time ago a friend of mine said people should have to take an intelligence test to be allowed to vote. I was horrified at the implication. But it seems he was correct after all. Such dumb choices gave us the Government we now have.

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They weren't dumb choices. They were selfish, greedy choices. I think quite a few voters didn't vote because none of the parties really reflected their communities. And they were bone weary and sick of trying to figure out what was BS.

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Totally agree with you Marilyn. In my opinion the people who did not vote, those anti-vaxxer nutjob Lefties who watch too much clickbait bullshit and drivel on Youtube are the only reason this government scraped in...and yet the Triumvirate of Transgressive Twerps are treating their sheer good luck as a mandate for a massive move to the Right!! I feel embarrassed to by the sheer stupidity of some of my Left-leaning friends, is all I can say...

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Very good read. It's interesting that this lot are now saying that the "back office" cuts are now due to a recession. It wasn't that long ago that we were told that the " back office " cuts were necessary in order to help pay for tax cuts for the "hard working squeezed middle".

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Yes it’s called lying Cheryl

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Yep, that's the way it works, more dollars = more votes. Trot out the mantra "bakontrack" enough times and people - well, some will believe it! It's called behavior modification, the main aim of all advertising! We do as we are told!

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You are exactly right and that is exactly how the Atlas Network operate. It has been proven the process works. And the dumb people have not learnt to question the advertisers ie politicians. It is so annoying, do you think they will ever wake up to how easily they have been scammed

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Going by my dumb anti-vaxxer acquaintances, the answer is simple: no.

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Sorry Nick, I’m not ready to apologise to Chippy yet. His time in charge was spent cancelling or watering down any policy that might risk the ire of focus groups or the elusive median voter. We need a Labour leader who believes, not just reacts.

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I agree Keith...he played mister nice guy, but hey look what happened to Labour when they suggested a capital gains reinstatement a few years ago...to cool down the housing-investment make-the renters-pay-for-it goldrush...the trouble is, owning houses is the only way to get rich in this little country, eh.

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Owning houses only enriches the owner of the houses, it adds nothing to the growth of the country.

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Just saying, Luxon is in fact 'project' managing the country. He uses the terminology of Prince2 ... somewhat out of date too I should add (I qualified in 2009)! It was designed to ensure government projects could deliver what their business cases promised. ... I don't think any of what the Government is doing could pass a responsible decision gate. For a start, all the pieces have to be validated, not just steam-rollered through in haste based on cost. So he can't even get that right. But why am I surprised?

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I'm certainly not...they are stupid little yes-men-greedy-snapping Piranhas that got brain-trained overseas by the Big Money Sharks of North America. NZ will never recover from what these Atlas idealogues are going to unleash on this country if they get in more than once, I reckon.

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Absolutely factual!!

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Luckily, our television died.

I was always threatening to Throw it out the window. ! Hideous Vile thing.

Not so sure people of "not Aotearoa, its New Zealand", are Sensible.

Gullible, easily manipulated and We want Change brigade, My goddess I was sick of that mantra !!

Scary shit going on out there.

this coalition of cock-ups seem to relish bringing as much damage and destruction to the Beautiful Aotearoa/New Zealand,

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Wow. I love your take on this. Thank you for keeping it real AND funny. Im really struggling to understand how anyone could think that National and coalition friends have the experience kindness and wisdom to lead a country. Instead I see self serving people with heads in the trough

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I agree that those few journalists are subjecting the government to more scrutiny than they did when in opposition; maybe that’s the point. However to let any opposition get away with blatant untruths and to repeat them as facts in their editorials turned out to be very undemocratic in the lead up and result of this election. The media still fails to challenge the description of Labour’s economic management as “ vandalism”.

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I enjoy your Koreros Nick. They're always thought provoking. However, unlike you, in large parts I do blame the media for spreading roundup on a feild that was growing crops to feed ALL KIWIS. As a result we now have a right-wing government with a 3 year mandate, determined to plant and grow feed for a VERY select few.

Western democracies are deeply flawed because the owners of corporations have bought mainstream media and control the narrative. When a mostly ill-informed, uneducated, anesthetized public is fed a narrative that says if you're poor it's because Maori are given preferential treatment that keeps you poor. When you're ill, Maori will be first in line for hospital space. When your water supplies fall into disrepair it's the fault of Te Tiriti o Waitangi who want Maori to have more, than their fair share of access to clean potable water, then don't be surprised if the same ignorant and now frightened people vote to replace their perceived oppressors.

I have commented before that National were handed power on a plate by a media that never challenged the lies spread at the hustings, and instead focused on the tittle tattle of some Labour ministers and now Greens who for whatever reason dropped their respective balls. The 'Gotcha' bullshit has absolutely nothing to do with exposing the disgraceful agenda that the current government signaled well before the election and is now carrying out. The bleatings of leading media personalities now, concerning just how awful this coalition is, is too little and way too late.

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Sadly I think that you are right.

There was a

failure of critical thinking at election time and now we are in the incompetent hands of the Atlas puppets.

Voting them out decisively is the best way to deal with the situation.

Kia Kaha

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Warning: Salesmen at work. Proceed with caution.

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But the media can only lead the horse to water. I know it’s hard to expect a lot from the public. Especially when they’re drinking from the fire hose of stupidity offered by ZB, the Platform or Reality Checked out long ago Radio. But the onus is on us.


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Dead right!!!

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